I believe we have enough legislation. I am really not into the government babysitting us. Selfie-abuse is annoying, but I can ignore it.
not sure what you nnean by that
Linda Joy
They're thinking about making it illegal to take a selfie in certain places.
Lets go farther. No cell phone use zones. There was a story about a family enjoying the beauty of the Grand Canyon at an overlook, and a man answers the phone and was loudly speaking while conducting business.
A “no selfie” zone is a great idea, will anyone take heed? Maybe some people just don’t know that the wind or tide is unpredictable in a particular area. I don’t think people who make honest mistakes deserve to die. Daredevils and thrill-seekers, however, are knowingly playing with fire. Proverbs 13:16 tells us that fools expose their own foolishness... most of us try to avoid being classified as fools.
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