My country is the greatest in the world. Which is why so many are trying get in.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Your country is not so great if it doesn't have great leaders and a strong border patrol. It's rather an "invasion" of so many trying to get in, while you just sit there and utter nonsense. *Facepalm*
its okay
Where I live... I love that it's silent at night, but I hate the traffic congestion during the day.
It's not perfect but we have more rights than inhabitants of a lot of countries, such as freedom of religion and speech (up to a point) and a free at the point of use health service so it's pretty good.
mine is going down quicker than a brides nighty on her wedding night.
My country has it's warts and ugly spots, no different than any other country. I would rather live here than any place else in the world though. 9/18/23
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