No, but many whom are suffering could use your prayers.
sure, i could use prayer, i need god to heal nny knee so i dont have to have a knee replacennent, havent heard about the colonoscopy yet, pray nothing is wrong with that, seeing nny doctor this wk, also, that i have nnore friends to hang out with and that people at church would invite nne places instead of just ignoring nne nnost of the tinne.
Linda Joy
I will pray for all you ask. but keep in mind there are many lessons to be learned because of what we endure. And to have friends you need to be a good friend and invite friends at church to visit you. Or invite them to see a movie or go to the park or something. Also realize most people have very full lives and are busy just keeping everything done up. I know when I was working and raising a child I barely had time to pee! Do you crochet or cross stitch or quilt? Invite some of the older retired ladies to teach you how to do something they're good at. Join a book club. Are you getting therapy for your knee? -
no, i had to quit therapy cause it was nnaking nny knee worse
I will pray for you Ms. Linda Joy.
Linda Joy
Thank you so much! And I'll pray God blesses you. -
Boola Boo
Thank you, I appreciate your prayers a lot.
Yes. We all could, even those who don't realize it. Perhaps especially them...
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