• No, they are usually pissed up Americans with a gun and superiority complex. You're thinking of "Rangers". Humans haven't hunted or had a need for "hunters" for centuries.
  • A hunter can be an advocate to conserve natural areas where there is game land and maybe more. A hunter can equally be a self centered, self interested person with no thought of conservation.
  • In the past yes, hunters took game for food. Today too many hunters are out only for the biggest trophy and care not about providing food for the table. Hunting has become only another in a line of expensive sports. I wish it would go back to how it was before the 1970's.
  • depends on the person
  • vermin control. Who else culls the vermin? Too many ferral animals destroying the bush and under growth . What do tree huggin do gooder hippys do? Ive had fights with them when they wanted to return crown of thorns star fish to the sea other times they have wanted me to put carp back in the river, recently around here theres to many deer who else gets rid of them they arent native they eat to much grass thats for our cows.
  • Ancient humans used complex hunting techniques to ambush and kill antelopes, gazelles, wildebeest and other large animals. And definitely, the animals were eaten for survival. Modern hunters see it as a way to test their skills, gain bragging rights or even compete for records on a hunting excursion.
  • Generally speaking? No...BUT..."Generally speaking", hunters DO SUPPORT preservation and restoration of natural areas. That is to say: things like national and state parks, reintroduction of species, etc. Because these sorts of things serve THEIR interest (i.e. hunting). And so - in fact - hunters (as a group) are probably one of the most generous contributors to such efforts, and supporters of such efforts. * Do they live "environmentally conscious lives" at home? Probably the typical hunter does not. Do they really appreciate and enjoy and (therefore) support the preservation of wildlife and natural wilderness? Typically: yes.

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