thats up to you
According to the Holy Bible it is.Start at Romans 1:26
That what is talked about in Romans 1:26 does not deal with adult consensual homosexuality just as Lev. 22:18 does not. These verses deal with pagan worship and pederasty. -
Linda Joy
You're right that lev 22:18 doesn't but lev 18:22 does! -
OPPS! Weeelllll, can't I get things backward once in awhile? I am on my knees begging for forgiveness! -
Linda Joy
Of course Mixed up Kid did it all the time! And it was funny sometimes! No need to beg. I'm quick to forgive. I still disagree with you, but love you regardless!
I don't give a damn what people do on their own. What I don't like is that if someone says they think it's wrong (I think so, but not out of any religious beliefs), that somehow they're hit with the labels of the day, ie, homophobe. I don't give a damn what you stick your pecker in, that's you own damn business. But dancing around celebrating your gayness is pretty stupid, in my book. And calling someone else names because they don't agree with being gay, is just juvenile. Although I have to agree that two hot chicks together? Awesome.
You are mostly correct. Your wording is a little rough but that is OK. The thing here is Adult Consensual. Those whom use the Bible in opposition to homosexuality do so for the wrong reasons. What is spoken of in the Bible is about those practices used in pagan worship and in pederasty or using young boys for sex with no regard for their welfare. The important thing is love. Honest homosexuals love just as much as heterosexuals. The sad thing is those of the gay community that have to make a show and have a chip and an ax to grind. Most homosexuals are well educated and upstanding individuals in their community. There is a bad element in all lifestyles that make all look unworthy. -
Archie Bunker
Well, those who prance around half naked in drag, making of spectacle of their gayness, that's what turns people off from the "cause." -
You are so correct. They want to argue about their gaiety. I am not sure they are even human. -
Linda Joy
Not human?!!
If it is, then it wouldn't be my first and it will not be my last. What kind of God would call love a sin? Not one I'd be interested in following.
The only sex that is a sin is that which does harm to another person physically or mentally. Rape is a sin because it injures the person being raped.
Leviticus 18:22 clearly states that it is “detestable” to “lie down with a male in the same way that you lie down with a woman”. That being said, the Bible also teaches us to “honor all sorts of men” and to treat others as we want to be treated (1 Peter 2:17, Matthew 7:12). Homosexuality is fornication which a sin, however, we should not judge or mistreat those who choose this lifestyle.
Do you know what fornication means? It has only one meaning not 12 different meanings. And if you knew the context of Lev, 18:22 you would know it doesn't mean adult consensual homosexuality. -
Linda Joy
fornication: sexual intercourse between people not married to each other -
Fornication is not sex between any two or more people not married to one another. Fornication is sex with temple prostitutes in one of the temples of fertility in the belief the farmer would have better crops and animals or putting other gods before the Lord God.. Fornication is explained in Numbers 25: 1-9. -
Would you consider adultery a form of fornication? Is the account in Numbers an example of fornication? Or is it the definition? What is the meaning of the original word from which fornication is derived? -
Linda Joy
It is too! According to Merriam-Webster, Wikipedia, and even a Bible dictionary that popped up when I googled the definition. What sort of Bible for perverts are you using? Seriously cite your source! -
The sources you stated give today's definitions but not the original Biblical usage, Read the following:
Today, many people
Absolutely not but if you want the opinions of "good Christians" then obviously, yes it is a sin but you already knew that.
the problem is the "good Christian" who listens to the lies of the church. Adult consensual loving homosexuality is no more a sin than adult consensual loving heterosexual sex. What was being called an abomination in the Bible was pagan worship putting others before the Lord God. The second reason is pederasty which is a grievous abominable sin. I personally am not homosexual as it does not appeal to me, but I have read and studied the subject from a Biblical point of view so I can speak with knowledge.
According to the Bible it is. Lev. 18:22. I already know you've dismissed anything in the Bible you disagree with and think you should be able to have sex with your own mother. More power to you. But you can't dispute what the Bible actually SAYS! "22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
this verse does not deal with adult consensual homosexuality but with homosexuality used in pagan worship and also pederasty. -
Linda Joy
I'll believe you when you show me a scripture from the KJV of the Bible that says this. You lie knowingly and try to deceive others to spread your perversions! You also seek out literature that says what you're doing is ok. Its not. And your lie to yourself that what you're doing is not hurting anyone else is contradicted by the collapse of every loving relationship you've ever had including that with your children. But by all means tell yourself what you need to to ease your conscience. God knows the truth of your ways and I believe in your heart you know He doesn't approve. -
There is a series of books by Darwin Chandler. Maybe you should get them and read them. I am not homosexual but I do study more researched Biblical based information than just the Bible. If you do not understand what is said in the Bible then you know nothing. -
Here is much proof: They were committing an aggressive, violent act against strangers, that, by the standards of their cultural setting, inflicted maximum humiliation upon them: forcing upon them an act that ?made them into women,? (Chrysostom?s evaluation of such an act, Commentary on Romans, Homily 4). The ancient practice in the Middle East of subjecting defeated enemies to anal penetration is well documented, (cf. Peter Coleman, Christian Attitudes To Homosexuality, pp. 34, 54; W. K. Simpson, The Literature of Ancient Egypt, pp. 20-2l). Human societies, throughout history and crossculturally, have often subjected strangers, newcomers, trespassers and defeated foes to homosexual rape as a way to demonstrate their subordination. It was the ultimate emasculation; reduction to ?womanhood.? That this is doubtless the situation with which Gen. 19 deals is largely demonstrable by considering the other passages in Scripture that refer to Sodom. We showed that when God first threatened to destroy Sodom, no indication was given as to what form their wickedness took. No evidence allows us to automatically think God destroys Sodom because of homosexuality. It will surely surprise many readers to know that no such idea appears in any Scripture that exists. It is an assumption that cannot be verified by any other Scripture that refers to Sodom?s wickedness. We are helped greatly in this matter by the fact that, though Gen. 18 and19 do not specify the reason for Sodom?s destruction, many other Scriptures actually detail the sins for which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. But our surprise is that in not even one is homosexuality either stated or implied. Consider: In Dt. 29, Israel?s unfaithfulness to God threatens to bring God?s punishment upon them as it did upon Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, (vs. 23). The cause of this doom is specifically stated: abandonment of the covenant, and devotion to other gods, (vs. 25, 26). Dt. 32:32, 33 makes reference to the evil of Sodom and Gomorrah, but with no mention of homosexuality. In Isa. 1:10; 3:9, 14-15, Sodom?s crime is injustice and cruelty. Elders and princes are condemned for ?plunder of the poor?crushing my people?and grinding the face of the poor,? (vs. 14). In Isa. 13, God promises to cast down Babylon ?like Sodom and Gomorrah,? (vs. 19), for aggression against its neighbors, (vs. 118). Again nothing is said about homosexual activity. In Jer. 23:14, Israel?s prophets are condemned because ?they commit adultery and walk in lies; they also strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from their wickedness.? Then God says ?All of them are like Sodom to Me, and her inhabitants like Gomorrah.? Thus Sodom?s and Gomorrah?s sins are in the category of general wickedness such as adultery, lies, and injustice. It is more than strange that if homosexuality was their primary sin, it is not listed here along with adultery. Lam. 4:6 refers to the overthrow of Sodom but without identifying her sins. In Ezek. 16:44 - 59, Israel?s evil is again compared to Sodom?s, and Sodom?s sins are specified this way: ?This was the iniquity of your sister Sodom; She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit,? (vs. 49, 50). Surely it must go without saying that if God Himself states His reasons for destroying Sodom, that statement outweighs anything else anyone ever says. In the quoted verses God says His reason for destroying Sodom was her pride, gluttony, prosperous ease and indifference to the poor and needy. Not even a hint of homosexuality here. Not even in the word ?abomination,? as we will demonstrate in the next section. In Amos 4:11, chastisement awaits Israel like that visited upon Sodom and Gomorrah, because of her oppression of the poor, immorality and injustice, (cf. vs. 1). Similarity -
. in judgment suggests similarity in sin, yet again not even a hint of homosexuality here. In Zeph. 2:9, 10, Sodom is again a symbol of desolating judgment visited upo Similarity n Babylon, Moab and Ammon. God?s stated reason for this judgment is, ?This they shall have for their pride, because they have reproached and made arrogant threats against the people of the Lord of Hosts.? If homosexuality was their grave sin, wouldn?t God have at least mentioned that? In Jude?s New Testament epistle, Sodom?s sin is categorized as sexual in nature, but the problem addressed there is not homosexual intercourse. Rather, Sodom?s people are said to have done as the fallen angels who, ?indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh (sarkos heteras, D.C.),? (Jude 7). Homosexuality cannot be the issue here because the ?flesh? they were pursuing is called ?heteras,? which means ?other, different.? This is the same Greek word from which we obtain the English ?hetero? as in heterosexual ? the exact opposite of what we must find if the sin of Sodom was ?homo? sexual! The point is that the men of Sodom transgressed proper human boundaries by attempting to have sex with Lot?s angelic visitors, just as angels transgressed their proper position to have sex with human women. Thus it is imminently provable that, whatever the men of Sodom were doing sexually, they were doing it with ?other? ? heteras ? than their own sex. They were not seeking to have sex with those ?homos? ? like themselves ? but with those ?heteras? ? different! In Matt. 10:12-15; 11:24; Lk. 10:10-12, the context links Sodom and Gomorrah to the sin committed by cities in Jesus? day, of rejecting the ambassadors He sends to preach the gospel. The problem is rejection of God?s gospel of the kingdom, not homosexuality. Where sexual sin was involved in their case, it took on the character of violence and injustice, and the ?sexual orientation? of the sinners was as likely to have been heterosexual as homosexual. How can anyone explain the total absence of any mention of homosexuality, in any verse that details any of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, if their chief sin was homosexuality??? How is it possible that their minor sins are specified, but nowhere does God specify this ?chief sin of homosexuality?? Simple integrity demands that any Bible student honors what the Bible itself states as the reason for Sodom's destruction. To ignore the above evidence and continue to claim that homosexuality was the reason of their destruction, demonstrates basic spiritual dishonesty. Here's the bottom line: According to all specific Biblical references, Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed due to homosexuality!!! They were never even accused of practicing homosexuality!!! I can give you much more if you desire but I hope this will suffice. -
. in judgment suggests similarity in sin, yet again not even a hint of homosexuality here. In Zeph. 2:9, 10, Sodom is again a symbol of desolating judgment visited upo Similarity n Babylon, Moab and Ammon. God?s stated reason for this judgment is, ?This they shall have for their pride, because they have reproached and made arrogant threats against the people of the Lord of Hosts.? If homosexuality was their grave sin, wouldn?t God have at least mentioned that? In Jude?s New Testament epistle, Sodom?s sin is categorized as sexual in nature, but the problem addressed there is not homosexual intercourse. Rather, Sodom?s people are said to have done as the fallen angels who, ?indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh (sarkos heteras, D.C.),? (Jude 7). Homosexuality cannot be the issue here because the ?flesh? they were pursuing is called ?heteras,? which means ?other, different.? This is the same Greek word from which we obtain the English ?hetero? as in heterosexual ? the exact opposite of what we must find if the sin of Sodom was ?homo? sexual! The point is that the men of Sodom transgressed proper human boundaries by attempting to have sex with Lot?s angelic visitors, just as angels transgressed their proper position to have sex with human women. Thus it is imminently provable that, whatever the men of Sodom were doing sexually, they were doing it with ?other? ? heteras ? than their own sex. They were not seeking to have sex with those ?homos? ? like themselves ? but with those ?heteras? ? different! In Matt. 10:12-15; 11:24; Lk. 10:10-12, the context links Sodom and Gomorrah to the sin committed by cities in Jesus? day, of rejecting the ambassadors He sends to preach the gospel. The problem is rejection of God?s gospel of the kingdom, not homosexuality. Where sexual sin was involved in their case, it took on the character of violence and injustice, and the ?sexual orientation? of the sinners was as likely to have been heterosexual as homosexual. How can anyone explain the total absence of any mention of homosexuality, in any verse that details any of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, if their chief sin was homosexuality??? How is it possible that their minor sins are specified, but nowhere does God specify this ?chief sin of homosexuality?? Simple integrity demands that any Bible student honors what the Bible itself states as the reason for Sodom's destruction. To ignore the above evidence and continue to claim that homosexuality was the reason of their destruction, demonstrates basic spiritual dishonesty. Here's the bottom line: According to all specific Biblical references, Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed due to homosexuality!!! They were never even accused of practicing homosexuality!!! I can give you much more if you desire but I hope this will suffice.
Two words, Sodom and Gomorrah , it is absolutely sin.. a marriage in God’s eyes is true love, a picture of Christ and the church
Since you say Sodom and Gommorrah's great sin to be homosexuality then why is it not listed in any of the lists of sins for either of them anywhere in the Bible? -
Because he lives!
Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the map, the Dead Sea is in their place, that is how God feels about it, I?m no bible s hot but the account is in the Old Testament. -
Yes, Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the map forever, but not because of homosexuality but many other sins. In each case where the sins of these two cities is listed homosexuality is not listed among them.
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