Cover your mouth.
Linda Joy
Some adults still need to be reminded! But that's a good one.
5. "It's fine; a little dirt on your food will strengthen your immune system." 4. "Now get up; it's your brother's turn to sit in the box now!" 3. "If you two are going to fight, go outside; I don't want you two breaking that lamp!" 2. "If it's bothering you, just tie a string around it and tie the other end to a doorknob, then I'll slam the door and it'll come out!" 1. "If you don't quit touching your brother, I'll bite your fingers off and have the doctor stitch them back on!!!!"
Linda Joy
Hahahahaha! I have said #3 to adult men before! Really enjoyed this!
to be careful
bostjan the adequate 🥉
You never say that to an adult? -
Linda Joy
I do all the time!
Did you poopy?
Linda Joy
Hahaha! This would make a good cartoon! "What is your problem today?! Are you constipated again?!"
I'm going to whoop your ass.
Linda Joy
Yeah, that's something you should never announce when you plan to assault an adult. Especially if you're the little one - and I'm always the little one! That's why I have no problem bringing rebar or a 9mm into the situation if needed!
Are your parents in? What did you do at school today?
Linda Joy
I had someone come to the door and ask me if my parents were home when my son was 6! I was 27. -
Professor Yaffle
Did you take it as a compliment or just tell them "I don't know, go to their house & find out"?
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