Get over it already! Its just spit, not shit! You have spit in your own mouth all the time! And you're probably so young you'll commit sins you never dreamed you would when the time comes. Trust me under the wrong circumstances you'd do far worse than spit in someone's food! If you start bragging you'd never do something you will be presented with a situation in which you WOULD TOO! Don't tempt God, young lady! And never assume you're more righteous than anyone else!
Cry me a River
Blah blah -
Cry me a River
So it is not beneath you to spit in someone else,s food, is what you are telling me. -
Linda Joy
typical youthful ignorance. That is NOT what I said. But I gurantee if someone was holding a child hostage I'd spit in anyone's food to get them released. You have no idea what the future holds and you're no more righteous than anyone else. -
Cry me a River
Bible... righteous even as Jesus Christ -
Linda Joy
Romans 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:" YOU are ONLY righteous because of the cleansing of the blood of Christ, not because of any superiority you possessed! Get over yourself!
"Feet that are quick to rush into evil" by definition.
No sin is beneath me that is another reason why I pray.
Linda Joy
Amen to that, brother! -
Rick Myres
Here is your thumbs up. :)
We all fall short and sin (Romans 3:23). Adam and Eve were perfect, yet, they disobeyed God, who am I to presume that I am “above” any type of sin? King Solomon the wisest man, besides Jesus, fell victim to his own imperfections and Satan’s influence. King David was given many wives, great wealth and riches, yet he had an adulterous affair and committed murder. Both Solomon and David fell short and sinned, despite their close relationship with God.
Cry me a River
I fall short that is not he same thing as blatant sin. I,m above a lot of sin. -
Cry me a River
Also, I know some Christians are far more holier than I. God says we are to be holy,, and he expects perfection though he knows we are dust -
Cry me a River
I haven,t gotten to the place I cannot sin, but I have gotten to the place I cannot enjoy sin. -
Cry me a River
wrong place
There are two kinds of sinners, saved sinners an lost sinners.
Cry me a River
Saved people are no longer sinners, they are called saints. They don,t have to sin. Sinners have to sin it,s who they are... -
Cry me a River
Romans 7:17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. -
Rick Myres
So you don't think we sin? Oh my. Here is an example for you. If you do something like my brother did he did not have any compassion for my hearing loss went into his repeating for me over and over and that is sin, for me after I repeat over and over for him.
I haven't found one beneath me yet. I'm not supposed to cuss (you know...fuck, shit, etc.) but I do it all the time. For those with delicate ears, go pack yourself.
None that can't be forgiven. We are humans, so our thoughts enable us to "tune" ourselves when we think negative. Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
all of thern
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