9-23-2017 Go read your bible.
Jewels Vern
It is not reliable to let people tell you what the bible says. Many people will make up stuff because they don't know what it says, and many will make up stuff because they wish it would not say what it says. You just have to read it for yourself. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Proverbs has 31 chapters so you can keep your place by just looking at a calendar. There is no religion or nothing in Proverbs and you don't have to believe anything. Just read to find wisdom. When you are comfortable with that, then read the bible from Romans to 2 Thessalonians over and over until you start to remember what it says. That is the part that applies to Christians. Here is a book to help you to understand the bible. It's a free download and you can get a hard copy at any bible book store. "How To Enjoy The Bible" -
Are you okay? You have been copying & pasting your comment repeatedly on questions that speak of sin. I will still give you a thumbs up for taking the time to answer my question. I agree with you 100%. You said it yourself that "many" people, but not all will make up stuff. I also agree with "many" of your answers. On this question, nowhere in the Bible does it say that pests should get treated gently. -
Jewels Vern
Because the same questions get asked over and over, I have the answers in a file and I simply copy & paste. I considered posting the quote about "Rise, kill and eat," and I also considered pointing out that the book of Romans carefully explains that sins don't count any more. Your question didn't seem to suggest any other answers. -
Quote: "Because the same questions get asked over and over," I haven't asked a lot of questions that mention the word sin. According to Romans 6:23, the wages of sin is what??? A) Death B) Eternal Life C) Nothing D) Etc -
BTW, I have a suggested answer by another ABer. This is what she wrote in her answer: "i dont think so or id be in trouble for killing bedbugs" The perfect suggestion I was looking for. -
Jewels Vern
Sin, singular, is the absence of spirit. Adam had a spirit but it died and so he was unable to bequeath a spirit to his offspring. That is why everybody is born in sin, not because Mommy and Daddy did the big nasty. That is why a savior had to die in our place and make it possible to create a new spirit for us. Sins, plural, are mistakes, such as throwing a dart and missing the bullseye. Christians are baptised into Christ's death, and dead bodies don't sin, so sins are not an issue for Christians. There is no more forgiveness. Either you believe in Jesus and are saved or you don't believe and are lost. -
Quote: "Adam had a spirit but it died and so he was unable to bequeath a spirit to his offspring." Agreed, but Adam did not have the Holy Spirit. -
Once a sinner is Born Again, a believer cannot conform to the pattern of this world. Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the [renewing of your mind], that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." When a person's mind has not been renewed, he or she has never believed in the first place. Therefore, the wages of sin is what??? -
Jewels Vern
It doesn't say "cannot", it is a command: "be not". -
I didn't say the quote said cannot. I wrote in the half of my sentence, "a believer cannot conform to the pattern of this world." I agree that it is a command. So either you can or you can't conform to the pattern of this world. In this case, you can't! :) -
Jewels Vern
Weasel words. You have changed the word of God. That is the same thing Eve did. When you add a word, omit a word, or change a word, you no longer have the word of God. -
Huh? I have never changed the Word of God. The word "cannot" is used in the sentence I wrote. I'm explaining a believer cannot go back to his or her old ways. I'll ask you a simple question... -
Can a believer conform to the pattern of this world? Can he or can't? I know it's a command, which I agree, but can he or can't? We'll see who the weasel here is. -
Jewels Vern
You are changing the words. You just refuse to admit it. God gives choices and then He tells you which is the best choice. That does not mean you can not make another choice. -
I have not changed any words. You are going around the world to avoid my question. You can't accept verbal defeat. I agree that God gives choices, as well as He tells us what is best. This does not answer my question. I will also add once more, I agree it is a command. Since it is a command, does that mean a believer can or cannot conform to the pattern of this world? Can he or can he not? -
Jewels Vern
I am not avoiding your question, I am following my own advice: "It is not reliable to let people tell you what the bible says." But since you make a personal challenge of it, I will tell you that the entire book of Romans explains over and over that sins don't count any more. You either believe in Jesus and are saved or you don't believe and are lost. -
You are avoiding my question. You said it is a command in which I totally agree. My simple question is: Can you or can you not conform to the pattern of this world? A) You can B) You can't C) Maybe -
Very simple question. -
Jewels Vern
You can choose whether to conform or not. What the heck are you trying to prove? Why isn't the word of God good enough for you? I have told you what the bible says. I will not argue about it. What you choose to do or say or believe is up to you. I will not respond again on this conversation. -
Actually I live by the Word of God. Everything I wrote is accurate. Quote: "You can choose whether to conform or not." No you can't! The Bible makes it clear. 1 Corinthians 6:19 "What? know you not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have of God, and you are not your own?" According to (Romans 12:2), a believer cannot conform to the pattern of this world. because the words in Scripture are: "Be not conformed."
i dont think so or id be in trouble for killing bedbugs
No, stepping on or killing a bug is not a sin. Don't give modern day Pharisees anymore ideas. Modern day Pharisees have made too many things sin that are not sin in the Bible. Worse people believe their lies!
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thumbs up for a good answer.
i hope not, ive had to kill all kinds of bugs including bedbugs, id be in trouble if i wasnt killing them
Jenny The Great ⭐
I see what you mean. It's either you or them.
I'd say try to stay away from people who think it is cruel to eat a plant like lettuce or kill bugs. I knew a kid when I was VERY young (his age) who thought it was murder to cut grass.
Jenny The Great ⭐
You're right. Grass grows, so it's alive! -
Rick Myres
Yes it does and very fast some days. :) -
There you have it folks.
Doubt it. How big a bug?
Jenny The Great ⭐
The size of 'we are dough 68'. Yep, that big. lol
No, sins do not exist, and we must kill pests. They would overrun us if they were not kept in check..
Jenny The Great ⭐
A sin by definition simply means something that is wrong. Besides that, good advice.
Wouldn't you think bugs are God's creatures? Surely they're doing no real harm except being annoying?
I agree, but Earth is also God's Creation. I walk on grass and kill weeds.
i hope not, ive killed so nnany bugs at nny place, if it was a sin id be in big trouble
Jenny The Great ⭐
Since you answered my question twice, I am not surprised to see how those bed bugs are driving you crazy.
Psalm 50:11 reminds us that even pests are part of God's creation. If you have no reason to kill any creature, you should not do it. But if it has infiltrated your home and threatens to spoil your food, it would be foolish to allow it.
Have you asked God? What did He say to you? Its definitely not a sin if you didn't even know the bug was there. But its clear from your description there that this was definitely premeditated! haha
Jenny The Great ⭐
I see a Godly inspirational answer in Berzyerk's post.
No. It's a sin to let them fester and become a swarm.
Only PeTA fanatics might believe it is... Bedbugs came from a neighbor's apartment and took over several flats including mine. A caught many jars full of them, but they still took over. It is simply self-defense to kill pests that can annoy you enormously and may destroy your property.
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