i have an extra sony lcd light engine it was for my 60" sony kdf-e60a20. i was sent out to fix my sony ,but after complaining to sears for 2 months i got a new tv, they delivered me the light engine2 days after i got the new tv,they never asked for it back, its been 2 months now, let me know [email protected]
i forgot to put the model # on the lcd light engine it is # 9016712 when i was talking to the tech,he said that its the same light engine in the 42" 50" 55" 60" just less room to work with when installing...
The correct part number for a KFDE50A10 light engine is A1123069A. I have one new in the box that didn't get used. Sell for $350 or set up an ebay auction for you to bid on.
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