talk to your counselor at school about it
Your being at a private university should make no difference in terms of transfer credits. It might even help if the private university is a good one. Your problem is going to be establishing residency in a state so that you will qualify for in-state tuition and fees. You'll need to live there, pay taxes there, for a while before you can qualify. As for excellent state schools in the south, look at North Carolina-Chapel Hill, the University of Virginia, University of Georgia-Athens, Maryland-College Park, Texas-Austin. You might also look into the Alabama and South Carolina state systems.
"most of them will not most likely not transfer because I am at a private university" - Not relevant. If your uni is accredited, the credits will transfer. In fact: the great majority of the top unis are private unis, and those top private uni credits definitely transfer. There *are* non-accredited and poorly-accredited private unis, and credits from such a uni might not transfer to a better uni. . . . . "where can I go that gives good scholarship where I can study for 10k/year or less" - As far as I know: nowhere decent. Your best bet is a reputable state uni - that is: one in your home state. Lower tuition for state residents and usually a good financial support system for resident students. Most states have at least one very reputable state uni.
I have taught at public university and at private college. People guaranteeing your credits will transfer might be oversimplifying. If the school to which you are transferring won't accept certain credits, talk to them, butter them up, explain how you are at their mercy and life is so difficult, and, odds are, they will make an exception. As for scholarships, do the same with the counselling office but make sure to talk up your achievements and how much good you could do with the right education.
We're not guaranteeing that her credits will transfer. We're simply pointing out that private vs. public is not a relevant criterion when it comes to transferring credits. I am a professor, and I do know what I'm talking about. Moreover, "buttering up" people isn't going to have much effect when it comes to credit transfers. Finally, merely talking up one's achievements is not the way to get financial aid money, nor do "counseling offices" even award it.
I would add that you should also carefully consider the prerequisites of each college prior to transfer, and its reputation, to avoid signing up with a college where leftist ideology reigns supreme....unless you're a leftist.
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