• check out ROTC
    • Linda Joy
      That's for high schoolers right?
    • Hardcore Conservative
      High school or college
    • Linda Joy
      Oh that's right!
  • National guard would be an option!
    • Linda Joy
      They're still going to want a commitment and boot camp is still required, isn't it?
    • Hardcore Conservative
      You're correct, Linda.
    • Linda Joy
      Ty, sweetie.
  • Tell her to ask Goldie Hawn aka "Private Benjamin".
    • Linda Joy
      I loved that movie! But it was as unreal as Top Gun. None of that stuff Ever would have happened!
    • Linda Joy
      Lol over her cleaning the bathroom with her little electric toothbrush!
    • mushroom
      A friend of mine described boot camp as being somewhere between "Pvt Benjamin" and "Stripes."
    • Linda Joy
      Your friend is wrong! Boot camp is no comedy!
    • Hardcore Conservative
      Depends on how you look at it. To Marines, all the other boot camps are comedies.
  • In short, no. You can try different programs that are offered, like ROTC, but the reality is you're either in or you're not.
  • you could try
  • If you are under 18 in the UK you can join the Army, Sea or Air Cadets.
    • Linda Joy
      UNDER 18?
    • Mushen
    • Mushen
      My son is a Cadet and he is 13. Although they are funded by the M.o.D. there is no automatic leap to the Army. They do lots of really good stuff with them as well.
  • go talk to them about it, maybe they will let you try
  • Same way you can try out marriage. You have to go through legalities to get in and legalities to get out.
  • Run away to France and join the French Foreign Legion. They are having a recruitment drive the first two weeks of May. Everyone welcome. Bring your own boots.
  • No US Military branch will take you if you are 40 or above.
  • Your question is like asking a trial for marriage. It is best not to enlist, until you have a better understanding of what the service in the military means - a commitment.

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