Why in the world would race matter? of course it would be ok!
Yes, why would you think that it's not?
Of course. Why would anybody even think this MIGHT not be OK, especially someone who considers themselves a Christian?
Yes I do think it's okay.
I see not one single problem with this at all...never..never..let race get in the way ..remember love is blind!
The more important question is - do *you* think it's ok. I see no problem with anybody dating anyone. Just be prepared for the not-so-open-minded types to give you all of their opinions. If you can ignore what everybody else says about you two, then you stand a chance. If you're ultra-sensitive about what people think and say about you, well...I wouldn't bother. Just remember - it's YOUR life.
Of course..Jesus was NOT white...and Im sure He does not see skin color.
Mr PantsFellDown
Oh now now, of course Jesus was white, and he spoke English too. Everyone knows that! I know that You know that. They know that. Jesus knows that. ..Now dont make me have to get Kelly Ann to have to repeat all this.
sure why not.
As long as you agree on your christian beliefs... meaning some people claim to be christian but when you start to discuss things with them they may go to a church or claim they are christian but they really do not have a realtionship with Christ. They go to church when it is convenient or not at all. I have found that a lot of people say they are Christian but when you ask them some simple questions you find them searching for answers or not knowing what to say. BUT you should not even worry about race unless your family will cause trouble then you need to ask them about their beliefs.
Sure. I think that is a pretty common "interracial" combination; I enquote interracial because some Mexicans are white anyway. Or even if he was Mestizo he might consider himself white. Yeah I think it's fine whatever the case.
For when we became christians, we shed our earlier associations. Slave, freeman, etc.... I think it talks to racial borders too. Your conflict is not with God, but with people you have to live with.
A white christian girl with a mixed race christian guy? Sure. However a white christian guy with a mixed raced christian girl....uhmmmmm Just kidding. Because I honestly can't see any reason not to - unless there was no enjoyment in being together! Then everything else would be a moot point :) !
If you both have the same religious beliefs, the same values, and the same morals, I honestly don't see a problem. Why should you let melanin get in the way of who you decide to like?
That's not really for me to decide. It's up to the two of them. If they are comfortable with it then it's okay. Don't worry so much what other people think, it's your life to live not theirs.
Yeah, why not.
Did God create different races making us unequal from one another? No. Knowing that because of our free will we would create centuries of racism, would you think that perhaps God in his infinite wisdom saw the opportunity for us to go beyond the shortcomings we have been exposed to, even warned of, to embrace a kindred spirit no matter the color of their skin?
IF your a christian or even a unracist person of any kind for that matter RACE JUST IS NOT A CASE.
To this I could only say.... What would Jesus do? :-)
Mr PantsFellDown
Have a whore wash my feet?
i'm trying to come up with a reason for why it wouldn't be....uh...still thinking....
Yes. God judges by the heart, not the skin and we should try our best to use His standards instead of our own (imperfect) standards.
It doesn't bother me at all
The bible says that God is not partial and that we are all the same. SO why not enjoy anyone's company that you choose.
I think it's ok to date anyone you want.........regardless of color
Well technically humans should only date other humans. So, I think you are safe. Yes.
i see no problem.
why would it matter what race he is? im like...100% white and my boyfriend that ive been with for almost 2 years is mexican and im a christian and he's catholic....but we've been working out fine =]
what is a mixed christian? half catholic and half jew?
Yes, she can, whats wrong with it, if she want to date.
What would Jesus do?
Mr PantsFellDown
Have a whore wash his feet.
Once you know what love is, these distinctions would have little weight
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