not sure but i wish i wasnt 4ft5 like i am
It' ok. We should accept ourselves just the way we are. I just wanted to know what people think.
Five foot two, eyes are blue etc...
From what you've told us ... I would say you will be the ideal height, not too short and not too tall. Just perfect. : )
Thank you Ice man : )
At least 5'5" and above so you won't be called a "shawty" meaning, shorty.
No such thing. I've dated very short women and women nearly as tall as myself (certainly taller in heels), and height is not relevant to beautiful and exciting. * That being said: there are lots of guys who have a "thing" about dating a girl taller than them, and even a girl who is taller than them in heels. I don't know why that is - some sort of self-esteem issue - but there are lots of us guys who don't have that particular problem.
From the soles of her feet to the top of her head.
Depends on the girl.
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