Only about 40,000 Protestant sects + or -
We will go with "40,000 Protestant sects," but how are they becoming stumbling blocks? in what "specific way" are they affecting others? -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Why fool people with nonsense? -
If you don't like answering religious questions, then I may suggest you answer the fill in the blank questions, which are perfectly suitable for you. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
I don't consider Protestant sects a religio A/ the King James doesent adhere to bible rules A/ none of the sects preach the same and all push the apocalypse -
I'm not asking which Christian denomination is teaching what. I am asking what kind of person is stopping others from achieving something. Read the reference I provided in my question.
A stumbling block is in place when a Christian does something that can cause a weaker Christian to do those things they would not regularly do. Example: You are in a restaurant enjoying a meal and drinking a glass of wine. A Christian friend comes to your table to say, "Hello." They see you are drinking wine and says, "I thought it was a sin to consume alcoholic beverages." You know this person is a new or weaker Christian. Although you know drinking wine in moderation is not a sin you say to the person, "You are correct" and push the wine away asking the wait person for ice tea. If you had gone into a deep discussion at that time you may have caused the person to think it is OK to drink alcohol heavily and become an alcoholic. This would be a stumbling block.. This would not be true if the person is a non-believer who asked the same thing. You would say, "Being gluttonous getting drunk all the time is a sin not just of alcohol but anything including over eating.." in this case you have not caused a stumbling block before the person.
Good example, but that's actually a "judging statement" on the Christian who wasn't aware of the other Christian who was drinking wine with moderation. Romans 14:13 "Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother." When you deal with newcomers or weaker Christians, you have to be clear on what exactly does the Bible teach. -
Linda Joy
Oh please! You do this to almost everyone who answers one of your questions! -
Linda Joy, there is absolutely nothing wrong with leaving a comment. In fact, I agreed with Thinker's example. -
Linda Joy
That doesn't disguise your condescension and judgmental attitude. -
Linda Joy, it is not judging on my behalf when the Bible sets the record straight. If you have a certain subject you don't agree with, give me an AB link and we can go over it. Other than that, it seems like you have a grudge. -
now now you two, be nice. We aren't here to argue. -
Linda Joy
No grudge I've just seen how you treat people then quote scriptures saying how you shouldn't do that. And no, I'm not here to argue. Peace out. -
Thinker, I was simply agreeing with your answer until we got rudely interrupted. -
Linda Joy, obviously you have a grudge for observing what I do on AB. Quote: "I'm not here to argue." That's because you don't have an argument to support your claims. When I ask questions, I already know the answers, but my questions are asked for "religious educational purposes only" so other members can have an actual understanding on the Word of God. Answerbag is a social media website, were AB members can start a conversation and have some fun: *Facepalm.* -
Linda Joy, I recently received a comment from Thinker, telling me what he thinks I should do and what I shouldn't do. Yet, you don't see me complaining: *Double Facepalm*
Other people aren't. Your own choices are.
I don't know about the other people you are referring to, but thanks for stopping by. -
Linda Joy
I'm referring to any other people. Those in the "heard" to which you referred and the" others" to whom you referred in your question as well, actually. -
"Any other people" is not a specification. -
Linda Joy
No,but the two examples I gave are! And any other people means anyone besides you! This may come as a surprise to you, but I don't lick anyone's boots and most definitely not yours. I don't have to answer your questions or comments specifically as you demand! What may be even more surprising is that no one else does either! -
Christianity doesn't revolve around me. Therefore, none of what you say is constructive. I still gave you a thumbs up for taking the time to stop by. BTW, I don't expect to receive well-composed answers in detail from every user. Everybody can only answer questions at their own level of understanding. *Triple Facepalm* -
Quote: "What may be even more surprising is that no one else does either!" Uhh, Thinker, Rick, Bella, LizzyP, deb313, Meron Tesfalem and others have been giving me great answers. *Quadruple Facepalm* -
Linda Joy
You're pathetic! -
Sayyys you? I'm too adroit at it.
You are
Lol, I'm trying to keep the herd to brush-up their Bible's.
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