not really. i'm more a phone and email or AB person =)
It's a great way to chat with friends and there are cool features like web cams and voice chat. I chat with several people everyday. It's great.
I have when I was a little younger. I do enjoy it but I don't know anyone that has it anymore.
Maybe a more real time interaction with me. In that case, you would be missing out on a lot.;-)
No. It's just another way of communicating with people. If you've used a telephone or email before you're not really missing out on anything.
It's a good way to talk with someone in real time.
No not really IM'ing is overrated
it can be addictive but if you are trying to get something done - it will agrivate you always popping up
Not really.
I'm missing out too...maybe we should get together.
Only if you have friends who also have it to talk to... It's free over the internet, so it's cheaper than the phone, and it IS cheaper than messaging on cell-phones. You can also search for and meet people through IM... It's how I met my wife.
Spectacular??? I'm not sure, Stormy... You are missing out on chatting to me though. :P
I've never thought it was so great....but maybe I just don't like talking to people. My sister is crazy about IMing people, so maybe she can tell you if she stops long enough to log in.
yes you are missing on talking on a one to one or in groups but most of all you missing out cause you not talking to me at [email protected] so when you go on m.s.n put me in and buzzzzzzzzz me lolololololol byeeee
Well, if you hate talking on the phone like me or if you have friends on, then probably. Though with IM's now you can use a webcam and a microphone like you are talking on the phone, plus now some messangers are putting in a phone service type thing (free to my knowledge).
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