It's a scare tactic by the left to keep us fearful and confused, while DC sells us out to China, Russia and Iran. America is the last bastion of freedom and human rights. The Democrats are using the Constitution as toilet paper and they've weaponized our justice system and the media is helping to keep us all docile and dumb. All these corrupt SOBs have to go!
Thank you for your info
Well, for now and the foreseeable future it is with us, so we just have to act accordingly. If you want to be vaccinated, then get vaccinated, if not, then don't. But it would be wise to keep the social distances and mask wearing when indoors in crowded places, if everyone does this then it protects each other from the spread, or at least slows it down, this is why flu numbers were down last year, and the hand washing is also just common sense. No point worrying about variants, when we don't know enough about them, the vaccine or your own immunity will deal with slight variations anyway. They state that those who get Covid, and then get it again usually have at least two comorbidities.
Thanks for your info
Coronaphobia is what's happening. The pandemic has made many people in the world realize just how much their lives are uncontrollable. On top of the despair: anxiety, burnout and depression keeps fueling the pandemic.
Thanks for your info -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You're welcome, and thumbs up to your questions as always. -
Thank you so much :) -
Jenny The Great ⭐
No problem.
I see two possibilities. ***1*** Several "waves" of Covid variants (we definitely are NOT done yet), OVER TIME the thing being eradicated by the discovery of superior vaccines than are currently available. The pandemic MIGHT end within 5 years in this scenario. ***2*** Worse scenario: Covid becoming widespread and varied to the point where it mutates as quickly as influenza, in which case it will NOT be eradicated (because vaccines will NOT be able to keep up with the variety of variations) and instead of being eliminated Covid will become - like the flu - an annual, deadly "nuisance" that we humans become accustomed to putting up with. Over SEVERAL GENERATIONS (say: three or so) the virus will become no more (or less) dangerous than the flu.
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The original Coronavirus never came along until after the Democrats threw everything they had at Trump in a bid to unseat him - and failed. Since they "miraculously" won the election in spite of the overwhelming evidence that indicated otherwise, the threat of relinquishing that power back to the Conservatives has resulted in the triggering of new variants to keep the mandates going. The question to ask yourself is, "Would the Coronavirus have hit if Hillary won the election in 22016?" Anyone with an ounce of common sense would easily say, "No!". We're in troubling times with only a bad ending in sight if we don't rid the government of the vermin that has been behind it all.
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The dimwit right and alt-right cretins are just not washing and observing the protocols. It's like mopping your floor, but half the kids are trekking mud in. You're never going to get a clean floor.
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