I don't think it's out of control and I can understand him "getting his ducks in a row" .... but I wish he'd hurry things up and let the shoe fall, once and for all. Although, I'm sure regardless of the outcome ...Trump will still behave like a spoiled child.
Hardcore Conservative
I agree that Trump is kind of a jerk. Not a very good speaker. Needs to lay off the goddamn Twitter. All that being said, I personally think that this investigation is a "witch hunt," as he called it. I think it's gone way beyond the "collusion" that it all started with, so they're taking anything that they can get. I see this being perpetual, unfortunately, or until Trump fires him, which is what I think the Dems are going to make him do. -
Ice man
I think he is gearing up for it, but firing Mueller will destroy what little credibility Trump has left. It would prove that he has too much to hide and that Mueller was on the right track. He's never taken responsibility for any of his actions and constantly blames others in the wake of disaster. He has egg on his face but still follows Putin's first rule - Deny, Deny, And Keep On Denying, even when there is proof against you... blame someone else. -
Hardcore Conservative
Yeah, but even looking at the Stormy Daniels issue. I mean, who really gives a shit who he slept with 12 years ago? In my opinion, that's between him and his wife, not us. I think what Mueller's team is doing, is trying so hard to find a crime, that they're looking as BS like this. They'll look at this as a non-issue (sleeping with a porn star while you're married is perfectly legal) but they're going to try and get him into a "conspiracy" or a "perjury" situation. It's a guy in search of a crime. -
Ice man
Actually I believe the Stormy Daniels thing is more about miss use of campaign funds to buy her out and the cover up & the lies that go with it. We'll see. -
Hardcore Conservative
I don't see how, Ice. The lawyer paid her from his personal account, from what I understand. Either way, I think what they're doing is insane. They've gone way off track from where this has all stated. Mueller can do pretty much whatever he wants, if he gets fired, they'll scream cover-up, no matter how screwy this gets.
There evidently was no basis for this investigation. It should never have begun. It seems to be illegal to try to invent false accusations against anyone. They could not pin collusion with Russia upon the president, so they are seeking to manufacture other false charges. When even the president can be subjected to such villainy, the nation is in chaos. Law and order have collapsed. Real criminals are ignored, and false accusations are allowed to continue for months against an innocent man. Innocent until proven guilty is supposed to be the American way, but here we have a man considered guilty until no evidence is found and then they try to find other charges. After this, I wonder if moving to the USa was a good idea.
Hardcore Conservative
ReiSan, take comfort in the fact that not everyone believes all this BS. I think I'm objective enough to look at the facts, and the only facts I'm seeing so far is that Trump is doing a fine job. He might be a jerk and kind of an asshole, but I don't care about his personality. I only care on where he's taking our country. But, you're right. Guilty, even with zero evidence of guilt, is the way of life now. Now, all you need is an accusation, even if it's from an anonymous source.
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