Very likely, but only a minor one to hamper the terrible conservative insurrection that BanditBiden keeps babbling about. Fauci and his Wuhan BFFs will surely withhold their best Variant until closer to the 2024 election, to provide coverfire for the next ballot fraud offensive.
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most likely in the states that have low percentages of vaccinated people
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That could happen. The drunks are still in charge of the tavern. 😓
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Another lockdown could happen, since Biden has been dragging Americans in whatever direction he thinks it's best.
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The last lockdown didn't work. Several states with lockdowns actually had much higher transmissions of the disease.
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The lockdowns were only supposed to be "temporary" but have lasted more than a year. Once an effective vaccine was created and the country started opening up again, a new "variant" suddenly emerges and more lockdowns are being considered. Anyone who doesn't find this suspicious needs a mental health evaluation. It's as "coincidental" as the emergence of the initial Coronavirus coming on the heels of numerous failed attempts to overthrow the Trump administration. The initial virus is suspicious because 1) it was created in China after Trump made a trade deal with China that China didn't like, and 2) the damage it caused was a "made-to-order" protocol for the Democrats to destroy the Trump legacy. The lockdowns were extended month after month (illegally) to justify mail-in ballots that were the easiest to tamper with. The USPS warns not to send large amounts of cash through the mail and yet, the postal service is perfectly safe to send election ballots through? How are election ballots any safer than cash? COVID was engineered. When a national emergency requires government mandates, the government will create emergencies to maintain its control over its citizens.
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Yes, could be. We have put so much hope into the vaccine and it seems that even vaccinated people can still get the virus. The very 1st case of covid 19 in American Samoa was found just a day or so ago. It seems it was brought into the country by a fully vaccinated man who had the virus with no symptoms.
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Who knows, it may come to a point where they just let those who won't survive it die, because the economy comes first. Unless of course lockdowns serve another purpose, a way of us heading towards further invasions of privacy, maybe implanted chips with all our data on, cash transfers, and whether we are vaccinated or not, because they wanted the chips after 9/11, that was the governments, banks, large corporations, and shareholders "wet dream." Cashless society, and bankruptcy for smaller business, and the gradual movement towards nobody owning anything, so that then we are totally reliant on the system, and they have ALL power.
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The booster should be out soon. I just got my 3rd dose for the immuno compromised, so if I get it I get it. At least I'm doing what I can to protect those around me. But all the worry in the world isn't going to stop it so that's wasted energy.
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Army Veteran
Thanks to the pharmaceutical industry, people have been pumped with so many prescribed medications that their immune systems have been compromised.
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