Ack FOX "news" is allergic to the truth. She was arrested for theft - it could have been her husbands weed or bananas -the result would have been the same. The fact is she was a victim of domestic abuse and her partners guns should have been seized as a matter of course.
Archie Bunker
Actually, they don't seize them, he's required to turn them in. But, being as he's in jail, he can't do that. I agree, she should be in jail, pending charges against him notwithstanding. -
Linda Joy
If they are still married its community property. Fox News beats MSNBC, CNN combined for 5th straight week during primetime.
Why should she be arrested? She was only turning in his guns while he in jail.
Archie Bunker
She broke into his apartment. That would be theft since the apartment wasn't hers and she had no legal reason to be there. -
Rick Myres
Oh OK. -
Linda Joy
They said estranged, which means they were still married. I don't know the particulars, but it seems to me as long as they are still married the guns are community property. -
Archie Bunker
They may be community property (that's up to the judge to decide) but that doesn't give her the right to break in and take them. That's still burglary. -
Linda Joy
Would it be burglary if the man broke into the house paid for with community money? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
If he took something, yes. If you break into a public library and steal a book that belongs to another library, then return the book to the other library, it's still breaking and entering and burglary, whether you took the book for your own benefit or not doesn't even matter. -
Linda Joy
A library book is not communal property between these two people! And that's a ridiculous comparison - you're smarter than that!
I think she should have taken only one and one box of ammo. And waited for him to return!
Archie Bunker
Not knowing all the details, maybe he should have. I can only go off of what the story reads. Maybe she's the psycho. -
Linda Joy
That's why they put HIM in jail! Oh, poor poor men finally having to pay for what they've been wrongfully doing all throughout history and getting away with!! I feel so sorry for their poor little feelings! She should have legally bought a gun and ammo and waited for him to return. (Ok I see now I didn't specify she should wait in her home for him to return) because they always do until you stop them! But you wouldn't know. Its never happened to you. At least the enemy you fought never promised to protect you. Yes these honorable gallant men should be protected from the ones they abuse! I don't understand how you can have so much sense in other areas but where this is concerned you're more interested with protecting the abuser. Do you gallantly protect child abusers too? Or is this just because you hate women? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Have you read the story from any other news outlets than Fox? She took three guns and turned over two, meaning she kept one. It should be noted also that in Polk Country, Florida, the police do not possess the legal authority to seize firearms due to misdemeanor charges (which were the charges filed in this case). -
Linda Joy
You talking to me? or him? No I have only read this article and have no intention to read further. And good for her keeping one. If I recall correctly he was ordered to turn them in. And what's wrong with Fox News? They don't agree with YOU? -
Linda Joy
If she had just sold the other two instead of turning them in she'd have been better off.
Time to dust off the old cliche: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
Linda Joy
No, but 3 lefts do!
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