probably not, ive never been much into it
I did watch it with friends and had a good feeling about the Eagles winning. That said I wanted both teams to play the very best game they could so that winning was connected to excellence which includes overall character and manner of play. They both did superb. I am happy for the Eagles and their fans.
Linda Joy
I was invited to a party, but I'm pretty sure I was contagious. So I didn't go. I'm happy for the Eagles and their fans. I'm a little sad for Tom Brady. I'm glad you got to enjoy watching it with your friends
I boycott the NFL due to the "Kneelers". I never did watch it anyhow,
No, I don't like football, so I never watch the Superbowl. Now, I'm triply certain not to watch with players showing disrespect for the national anthem.
Nope won't watch and have no idea who is playing.
I boycott it, due to the kneelers who cannot coherently agree why they kneel. I regard them and their supporters as traitors. That includes "GQ" and "SI" magazines who gave awards to contemptible Colon Kaepernick.
I'm for the Rams at this point.
No. The tennis raquets.
Nope I don't like to watch it.
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