Well the ssdi system is raped daily... Those are my thoughts... Some people really need it, but the mentally ill take advantage of it... I was in the BCU at community hospital and a worker told me that some people come just for the A.C. and that they are like a hemorrhage when it comes to costing the state money...
Archie Bunker
But why is it that liberals here want to try it again? Socialism has failed everytime it's been tried, yet they think it'll work here. Insanity -
Linda Joy
Don't believe everything you're told. The mentally ill didn't choose to be mentally ill. And if you ever had to live one day with a mental illness you'd change your tune! I'm not saying people don't take advantage, they do. But that happens in almost all situations in all walks of life with all kinds of people. Why did you single out the mentally ill? Some of them are just as sick as a cancer patient! Some even sicker. At least cancer can be cured!! And broken bones and lacerations heal. Most mental illnesses are incurable and lifelong! A lesion on the brain will leave a scar that lasts a lifetime. And in most cases of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) the person is never the same again. My mother and my sister both had a TBI. Frankly I think the 'state' could save a lot of money in the long run if they would treat their mental illness and train them to work at the jobs they are able to do instead of throwing them enough money to eat for a day and keeping them dependent, but then that's the goal of the liberals. If they keep the voters dependent they will continue to vote for them because one day they gave them a chicken! Yep! As LBJ once said - a chicken in every pot! and yes, indeed! He said, "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years." - Lyndon B. Johnson And Archie, I'm afraid they will!! Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of soup was no more stupid than selling your vote for a chicken in a pot! -
These days, they may be buying a stupid vote with pot. -
Linda Joy
I thought of that, too! lol But I'd rather they sell a vote for pot than a vote to slaughter innocent unborn children.
No, I didn't hear about it. But aren't we shocked! Just completely shocked that didn't work!!
Archie Bunker
I'm dumbfounded. (that they even tried)
I don't think it's laziness so much as a logically predetermined endpoint. If you pay people a UBI out of tax funds, then you necessarily need to raise taxes by whatever the expense of the program is. That expense isn't merely the UBI times the number of recipients, but also administrative costs, postal fees, banking fees, accounting fees, etc. So, to give a person a dollar of tax money, it costs about $1.60 (best case scenario). If you give 2000 people each $650/month, then it'll cost the state over $2 million per month just to get started. Since individuals aren't working, that means more taxes on businesses. The purported goal of the project was to get unemployed people to start more small businesses, but, the state was too stupid to figure out that, in raising taxes on small businesses in order to fund the program, they are actually disincentivising the creation of new small businesses. What's even sillier is that the government usually hires economists to tell them if a program like this will work or not, but when the economists say that it won't work, the government does it anyway, due to ego. But, hey, what do economists know about economy that politicians don't already know, right? Not like a person with a Ph. D. in macroeconomics spent years researching deep into that field or anything [/sarcasm] ...
Archie Bunker
And here we go again, right? Isn't this the definition of insanity??
Sounds flawed. If people already on unemployment benefits are not taking jobs, presumably because only menial jobs are offered, then make taking a job more attractive by paying a small stipend and doubling the social security benefits that would otherwise accrue for as long as they remain employed on the books. Why the bonus? Better to have more people in the system than just collecting handouts. BTW, the Alaska oil fund pays nearly $2,000 (until recently) to every permanent resident, yet the state has hovered at 6.5% unemployment. Has a familiar ring to it.
Archie Bunker
Why double social security benefits? What about the people who ARE working, do you propose to double their benefits as well? How about an incentive to work, like maybe, we're cutting off your benefits so go get a job. That's a good incentive. And one that's not supported by those who actually work. -
The actual program in Finland was directed towards the chronic unemployed and impoverished. If the new work pays too little and the retirement benefit too little, those people drop out and everyone else is strained to make up the difference plus the unemployment handouts. No incentive and you're back to square one. -
Archie Bunker
If your work pays too little, there are options. It just depends on how much you work to make yourself a better option for employment.
What's to think about, the U.S. has plenty of moochers who have been proving it for years.
Archie Bunker
And will continue as long as it's allowed. -
Another civil war, then, eh? I can see it happening.
irn not surprised
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