As a younger teen- Anywhere there weren't any adults! A house with no parents, the woods, the parks and beaches. Sometimes the mall. And we happily walked everywhere haha
Linda Joy
I remember my sister and I walking all around downtown Des Moines when we were just in grade school the two of us and a few of our friends no way I'd let my kids do that now! -
Linda Joy
And as teenagers we hang out at the skating rink. Sometimes going every Friday and Saturday night. Lots of fun -
OC Joe
We did virtually exactly the same thing, especially the walking because there were usually no good places to hang out without adult supervision. When we got driver's licenses at 16 we continued doing the same thing but in cars, mostly "cruising". Many parents used to forbid "cruising" but we ignored that. -
Linda Joy
As long as we went home when the street lights came on I don't think mom ever even cared where we were!
at home, my parents didnt seem to want us hanging out with friends
Linda Joy
Probably safer that way!
We went to drive in restaurants after having gone to the movies (usually at the passion pits). Because most all the girls had curfews we guys would meet somewhere and take off for Mexico and Boy's town to drink a few beers and have sex with the prostitutes. This was back in the 1950s. All that fun is now gone.
Linda Joy
Was there music involved? -
i guess we listened to the juke box. Although my 51 Ford had a radio it was seldom on because it was a tube type radio and would run the battery down quickly unless the engine was running.
On the ocean, working everyday I had on the boats.
With my ROTC compadres. On the drill field, on the rifle range, at Showbiz Pizza playing video games, playing chess, or with those of us who'd read and discuss books in the library.
Linda Joy
Are you still in touch with any of them? How well do you shoot? Which video games? Which books? -
Expert marksman way before ever joining the Marines. My two best friends (both named Paul) were in ROT-C with me. Played whatever games Showbiz had at the time. One of the Pauls worked there as a technician. He'd set us ROTC guys up with 30 free tokens per game. I never spent a single quarter yet played all day. Mystery books. -
Linda Joy
4/4!?! Shocked and amazed! Thank you! :D
at the library a lot
B.H. Wilson
Me too. But no one called me a nerd, I was a 'hood', that is a bad-ass type of guy. Then I got into motorcycles, and 'hood' stuck. -
Linda Joy
They never called me a nerd (to my face), either. But they sure got pissed at me for messing up the bell curve!
Expensive resorts mostly!
Linda Joy
Were you Jonsey on MSN's Q&A?
didn't realize I answered already.
Linda Joy
LOL I've done that before!
With 2 friends..
Linda Joy
In the neighborhood?
From about 15 - 18 years old, the popular hang out was cruising the strip every weekend, and we would stop at a nearby lake and a pool hall, pinball place nearby called The Great Entertainer.
I,m ashamed to say, I wasn’t brought up right .. but I had lots of buddies
Linda Joy
Its not your fault you weren't brought up right. I wasn't either. When you learn better you do better, right?
For lunch break hour at school we walked to the convenience store about 200 yards away, and after buying up sodas and snacks we'd hang out in the laundromat which was adjacent, all while toting an enormous 80's jambox blaring Motley Crue, Ratt, etc.
Outside the local fish and chip shop in the east end of Glasgow. We mainly said catty comments to the customers and put people off going in. They eventually closed down and we had to go to the local park to laugh at the pervs flashing their dangles at stupid wee girls like us.
We had a large group of wacky friends that liked to hang out in a large cemetery at night. We would find a car with 'parkers' inside and set a pack of firecrackers with a cigarette time fuse under the vehicle. In a few minutes, the fireworks would go off.
The Mall and the Shopping Center
The Fremont Strip, Lake Elizabeth, The Great Entertainer, and Niles Canyon
Pretty much wherever. Pizza parlor, ice cream parlor, convenience store, parking lot, back yard, park, rooftops, fire escapes, the arcade, ..., I guess I don't remember half of the places any more.
I began modelling at age six, although I lost my first potential job in it to my baby brother. I began acting at age thirteen. I hung out at modelling studios and movie studios much of the time.. I retired young as a millionaire, but lately, I did some TV work and a movie.
At the drive-in movie theater
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