not sure
B.H. Wilson
Pearl's first words; "not sure". -
Linda Joy
Don't know about first words but every baby I have known first said "dada" before mom or even mama. They are clearly closer to Mom but dada just seems to be easier to say. There is an understanding that very small babies also see themselves and their mom as the same person.
Linda Joy
Interesting! I'd not heard that before but I did hear that the word dad is usually voiced more in the home. But times have changed drastically during my lifetime (another chapter to put in my memory book before I forget it)
Linda Joy
I recently learned baba is dad in several languages! But I'm guessing you mean for bottle.
that is funny, ive never had kids
Linda Joy
Lol, when they say that you better find out why!
And the answer is... More!
My daughter's first word was "cheese". Pronounced it "peas". So cute.
Baba. Bottle.
My nephew said kitty & doggy before he got to Mom or Dad. In all honesty, he spent more time with the animals than his parents!!!
Most of them try to say "apple" but it sounds like "appee".
No. Because they hear this a lot!
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