If someone breaks the law, then the law can do almost anything that is 'legal' against the offenders. Under no circumstances would you intentionally make a child cry, let alone put it in a cage: The problem is mismanaged and they failed to implement a better process for containing illegal aliens newly through the border. The Peter Fonda guy tweeted some pretty strong stuff about his feelings to Trump yesterday. QUOTE: "Actor Peter Fonda apologized Wednesday for a tweet that called for President Donald Trump's 12-year-old son to be caged with pedophiles because of the Trump government’s immigration policies, news outlets reported.
Linda Joy
See that's how prejudiced and uncaring towards children they really are! And that child's parents weren't even guilty of a crime! So biased and unfair!
No, the children should not be separated from their parents. Apparently trump's daughter was able to convince him to change his course on terrorizing children. He will likely proclaim himself to be the "hero" of the day ...but it won't change the fact that he is a complete disgrace to the office of the president.
Linda Joy
HIS COURSE on terrorizing children? IMPLEMENTED BY CLINTON and not repealed by OBAMA is now TRUMPS course on terrorizing children when he's the one repealing it? Surely you haven't convinced yourself of this blatant LIE! -
Willy D Billiams
This is a FANTASTIC point. I have a feeling I worded my question poorly. But great response. -
Ice man
@ Linda - Give it a rest. Nobody forced him and he certainly didn't have to, but It was trump himself who decided to enforce his disgraceful and inhumane policy. So don't even try blaming the people, who are no longer in power, for what they did or didn't do. This one falls squarely on the shoulders of your current president. -
Linda Joy
It's not Trumps policy! It's Clinton's! -
Linda Joy
And the childrens' criminal parents are the ones to blame for putting their selfish wants to have more above the children's need for a stable law abiding family. I don't see anyone complaining that American citizens are separated from their children when they go to jail for breaking laws! -
Ice man
And who is it that enforced a new zero tolerance policy of prosecuting all illegal immigrants and separating them from their children since early May 2018 ? Was that Clinton ? I'm pretty much certain it was trump who had "2,342 children separated from their parents after crossing the Southern U.S. border, according to the Department of Homeland Security, as part of a new immigration strategy by the Trump administration". Is this the path your "Jesus" would have you follow ? And just how many wrongs does it take to make a right .... 2,342 ? -
Linda Joy
And now the moral high ground? Please! -
Ice man
If that's the best you can do .. it's pretty pathetic. Try reading what real journalists, with more than half a brain, have to say. Enjoy your ride back to greatness on your pathetic moral compass, with dotard driving the bus in the wrong direction. -
Linda Joy
Would you be willing to foster one of these children? -
Linda Joy
Besides that it's been effective in slowing the influx of illegal immigration which btw is what puts the children in a dangerous situation! They deserve to enter our country legally and safely! -
Archie Bunker
Yeah, let's not blame the parents for dragging their kids and throwing them over the fence. It's much better to blame Trump that way we can claim moral authority over the issue. -
Ice man
There once was (and rightly so) a widely respected & great nation who welcomed all, that is all who had the courage to make the treacherous journey to her doorstep and welcoming arms. They came in hope of having a better life than the hardship & misery they left behind. France, in the 1880's, gave this country a massive token of respect for it's love of freedom, the Statue of Liberty. From the ground to the tip of Lady Liberty's torch it is 305 ft. and 1 inch, so it is very tall and can be seen from a long ways away (it's true, maybe you haven't seen it .. but I have). There are several phrases associated with the Statue of Liberty, but the most recognizable is .. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". It is well known the whole world over, by the rich and poor alike, as the symbol of freedom and of the United States. You have to understand that these people we are talking about at the southern border, are not killer bees, rats, or mosquitoes carrying some deadly plague. They are poor PEOPLE, who have NOTHING more than what they can carry, with children in tow. They have tried to escape from starvation, violence, terrorism, and murder in the home place they left behind. The majority are trying to get into the country legally. Out of desperation, and frustration some seek any possible means to enter, legal or not. When you make it harder for them to enter legally and then you expect them to starve to death while waiting for a border official to yell "Next!" ... that is nothing more than being stupid & naive. To expect these people to abandon and leave their children behind is inhuman. To separate these children from their parents after entering the country is equally inhuman. Arguing over whose idea it was in the first place .. is totally irrelevant and typical of all those who sing the highest praises for Comrade Trump (who also now claims to know everything there is to know about airplanes). What counts here is not whether I stand on the moral high ground, but rather what Trump chose to enforce. For all you rednecks that think Trump made the right move by keeping parent and child separated, I have some serious questions. What would you say if the shoe was on the other foot ? What would you think of your "bone spur" hero if you were the one he separated from your infant/children because you wanted to escape terrorism so bad that you could taste it ? Now let's go one step farther. Put yourself in the shoes of those innocent children and can you tell me their lives haven't been negatively affected by Trumps eagerness to terrorize them by separating them in cages far from anything or anyone familiar? If you think that alone isn't an act of terrorism are very naive and deserving of what karma has in store for you, and what's left of your once great and admired nation. Trump's bully tactics and insulting negative school boy attitude alone have not only lost you the respect of your world trade partners and allies, but their support as well. By the way, just in case you haven't realized it yet ... Putin is clapping his hands in glee because Trump is leading America straight into Russia's planned agenda, and yes Trump will profit bigly ... but you won't. The writing has been on the wall since before this question was first asked (last year), and enough time has since passed for all to see the truth for themselves. If you can do nothing more than be a hypocrite & piss on the rest of the world, you deserve what you get in return. -
Linda Joy
I welcome my Karma. Do you? And I still contend that its the selfish parents who put their kids in this position, but what do you expect from law breakers? Frankly I'd go so far as to say if they stood at the border with automatic weapons and used them on anyone caught crossing illegally it would save all those children a lot of strife, but then its the struggle that makes one strong. I know I'm one of them. And you should know better than to dangle the put yourself in their shoes bait in front of me. I've been beat with a board that had a nail in it. And I assert that I would have been better off if I'd been separated from my parents. Those kids probably would be better off if they never saw their natural parents again. Not everyone gets the lack of privacy afforded by living under a bridge in a cardboard box! Believe it or not some lives are worse than incarceration!
First of all this policy was not put in place by Trump it was put in place by Clinton and Obama did nothing to repeal it either. Why is this Trump's issue and not an issue that's been ongoing since Clinton? Why is it only now an issue? No the children should not be separated from their parents they should be sent back to where the parents legally belong with them. This is very clearly solely the responsibility of the parents for putting their children in this situation. They are the ones that made the choice to do something ILLEGAL that put those children where they are and set a bad example of illegal behavior being acceptable in front of their children. If they had not chosen to do illegal things nobody would be in a cage. (Just the same as Americans who commit crimes and go to jail are separated from their children! ) Liberals don't care about the lives of children or they wouldn't support abortion. It's only an issue now so they can bash Trump in another way. He put an option on the table to solve the problem and the Democrats refused it because they don't want the problem solved they want to keep on bitching and bashing unfairly for what others never lifted a finger to do while they were in there either! The democrats are acting in a prejudiced manner against Trump to judge him differently ON THE EXACT SAME ISSUE AND LAW!
Willy D Billiams
For an entirely different perspective on the matter: watch, Paul Joseph Watson The Truth About 'Separating Children' Published on 21 Jun 2018
Linda Joy
Here's the link:
i think they should be kept together but not in jail
Archie Bunker
Back in the country they came from. -
Linda Joy
Amen! -
Criminal belong in jail. This perallederman has some weird ideas.
That is the policy of Bill Clinton, so do not blame Donald Trump for it. Parents who bring in children illegally are not fit parents. Some of these children do not actually belong to the adults who claim to be their parents. This is a ploy for sympathy that deceives only naive liberals.
Americans are separated from their kids when they go to jail. Why shouldn't illegal immigrants get the same treatment?
It was put in place by Bill Clinton and followed through to President Trump.
i dont think they should seperate thern
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