Candy corn without a doubt.
Linda Joy
Oh I like candy corn! But even more I like the chocolate ones in the harvest mix! Still I like snickers best.
ive never trick or treated
Linda Joy
You probably still could if you wanted! I could probably go as a little old lady. I've been mistaken for a child more than once! -
Pearl Lederman
i dont trust people to give nne candy, dont know what theyd put in it plus inn prediabetic anyways, and if i want candy id rather get it at the store than fronn strangers, at least id know it would be safe, wonder if thats why i cant get jobs or friends to hang with, cause i get nnistaken for a child since inn 4ft5, -
Linda Joy
Are you on any meds for prediabetes? -
Pearl Lederman
inn on nnetfornnin -
Linda Joy
Did it help lower your A1C? -
i think its just been keeping it fronn going up
Before eating any of it my brother and I would sort through it. He got what I didn't like and I got what he didn't like. I always ate the hand-made goodies first [popcorn balls].
Cry me a River
Popcorn balls and candied apples -
Cookies, brownies and rice crispy treats with Halloween MnMs.
You really think I can remember? The last time I remember going Trick or Treating was around 1951!
Linda Joy
I was thinking the same thing! lol I remember taking my son and my grandson. -
I never got to do that. You were lucky. -
I have been thinking, The first time I went trick or treating was in 1947 or 48. I had never heard of it before then. My teacher in school said it was impolite to trick or treat and should not be done. From what I remember at that time very few went out and only a very few had candy to give out. Halloween and trick or treating was not a big deal. The only reason I went is because one of my friends talked me into it over my objections it wasn't good to do and impolite. As I remember I only had a few pieces of candy.
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