Welding, walk in cactus, work in the bright sun, be where there are many mosquitoes, any number of hazardous things. I have been a nudist for many years so I have had experience from first hand knowledge.
Linda Joy
All good answers!
Ditto to Thinker. My thinker is cracked for now. (can't think that well) just blame it on neurological. At least my mood is not a grouchy one. Lol
Avoid real cold weather!
Remove any clothing it just might be your skin.
Fry bacon.
Linda Joy
Or cook grits! -
Army Veteran
@ Linda Joy: Sounds like there's a story there - or else the kids got up early for breakfast. LOL
Probe a beehive.
go outside
Afraid someone would see you? -
yes, cause if they see me i could get arrested for indecent exposure
Ice hockey goaltending.
I had a photo at one time of a gal playing ice hockey nude.
Ride a bicycle over rocky terrain !!
Cock-tail parties.
Walk out of the house.
Why not, afraid someone would see you?
Sunbathe and forget to put sunscreen on those oh-so-sensitive areas. Ouch.
Linda Joy
Personal experience? -
Yes Did enjoy volleyball that day, but in the evening ....... Owie! -
Linda Joy
I hope it was at least somewhere up north if you were out all day! How old were you?
I try to avoid sharp objects. Now blunt ones in the other hand.... :P
Bull fighting. All that extra weight flailing around throws off the balance.
Walk out onto my front porch. It might scare the people driving by.
I was going to answer "Act as your own attorney in court," but after thinking about it, I suppose it might depend on what you look like and what the charges are.
go outside
bostjan the adequate 🥉
You would see someone afraid? -
Professor Yaffle
That does depend on the laws where you live. In many places simply being naked is not indecent exposure, also officially designated naturist or C/O beaches are public places.
Use an angle grinder, ride a speedway bike, work on a tin roof in the summer.
Go on a space walk.
Never go out in public naked otherwise you get arrested for indecent exposure
Professor Yaffle
That does depend on the laws where you live. In many places simply being naked is not indecent exposure, also officially designated naturist or C/O beaches are public places.
A police station.
Jump into an active volcano...
Replace those light bulbs at the top of radio towers.
fry food
Wear brown socks.
I would not handle fiberglass insulation. Goggles and mask are also recommended.
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