Cos fur comes from cute, little animals, whereas leather is man-made in China.
Rick Myres
I was not talking about man made leather. I was talking about real leather from cows horses and other animals. And if you saw any news human skin too. -
we are dough 68
This site is a real education. -
Rick Myres
lol, I do hope the human leather stays in the movies instead of the alternative. But then maybe. . . . . uggg just the thought!
I consider that hypocritical too, but you'll likely get a cross-eyed look for two seconds before that question is simply discarded.
Excellent question for I have no answer...I wonder if any fur protesters eat meat.
probably cause theyre two different things
Because then the cool Hollywood elites wouldn't be able to wear their leather pants to all the pat-myself-on-the-back award shows.
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