By noticing your name MichaelXD, no guy should wear short shorts to school or in the general public. People might see you as an oddball.
What does my name have to do with anything? -
It has a lot to do with it, since I'm assuming you're a guy who enjoys wearing short shorts. lol -
What? No way! I just want to be happy along with everyone else! Who cares if they're short? Not me! My friends argue back. They're supposed to be short! -
Is this some kind of a fetish you have going? -
Yes! Is it dangerous to pick a mole off your leg?
The school district I work for the girls wear very shot shorts for gym classes. I have several who ride my bus in the morning who wear these shorts to school. These are school recommended shorts. Different school districts have different thoughts on length.
Major distraction from academics.
No it's not! Fights with my sister the night before are a major distraction from academics than short shorts!
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