Unintended consequences. As people abuse one rule, others come into play, made more strict. Much of Europe is in crisis over immigration.
Linda Joy
Would you be willing to foster one of these children? -
I'll volunteer to foster them if I get what the goverment gives the detention centers. Hell I'll build a bigger house and get more for that amount of money.
Clinton and Obama can do no wrong! Didnt you know that?
Linda Joy
Of course! Would you be willing to foster one of these children?
probably cause they dont think kids should be seperated from their parents
That was done long ago. Parents are evil to bring in kids illegally. Some of the kids do not actually belong to the adults who claim them. It is just a ploy for sympathy. They have sympathy only from fools for this, -
Linda Joy
Name Calling is not productive, but She's right Clinton Put the law into effect and Obama knew about it someone showed him pictures of these children and he still didn't do anything to repeal it either. My question to you is would you be willing to foster one of these children? -
I have my own daughter, and I would never be foster mother to illegal aliens. -
Name calling isn't productive when other people do it is what linda is trying to say. When she calls people names like an "ignorant piece of slime" then, and only then is it productive ??
The libtard Dumbocraps are desperate to find anything to use against the president.
Linda Joy
I don't think name-calling is necessary. I think our greater power is to pull together to solve the problem. Would you be willing to foster one of these children? -
No, I have my own daughter, and I want only my own child in my home.
Progressive liberal democraps haven't anything better to do!
They need to find something far better to do, e.g. move to Canada or Mexico. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
It's just another "Trump scandal" for the media to pounce on and the sheeple to ingest with the rest of the liberal KoolAid. What most ignore is that POTUS is there to enforce the laws that Congress passes. Yet, the hippies in Congress are pointing the finger at Trump for enforcing the laws that THEY passed. Liberals are stupid.
Because the more laws the goverment passes the easier it is for them to control us. It's been an issue since forever. It's not the fault of Clinton or Obama because they didn't start it. It's been illegal to enter the country without the governement's permission since wayyyyy before them. Lol. It's not the parent's fault because they're not doing anything wrong (illegal =/= wrong). The parents are not kidnapping anyone or locking them in metal cages for walking over a line. The goverment kidnapping people and locking them in metal cages is 100% the governement's fault since they're the ones doing it. You're just looking for a scapegoat so you don't need to blame your beloved politicians. Lol. There's nothing wrong with breaking many laws. Entering the country without the governement's permission is victimless and shouldn't even be illegal. Locking people in cages for walking over an imaginary line is literally the opposite of "fair and equal" lol.
Linda Joy
You are so stupid!! You think the children being sold into slavery aren't victims? You think the taxpayers funding these selfish bastards aren't victims? I don't like any politicians! I don't have a side, except what is right. And breaking the laws is wrong! If you want a lawless society go live in Venezuela! You deserve it! You don't deserve the protection of freedom allowed by our way of life! And you also don't have the right to take it from us! You deserve to live among diseased lawless monsters, you ignorant piece of slime! -
Of course selling children into slavery makes children victims. No one is advocating legalizing selling the children into slavery lol. Taxpayers absolutely are victims of the goverment choosing to extort us. I never said we're not. I'm well aware that all the taxpayers are victims of government extortion but that doesn't have anything to do with illegal immigrants. They have no say in how much money the goverment extorts from us or what they do with it. No, breaking the law isn't always wrong. Using your own logic it was wrong to help the slaves or the Jews escape. Good to know. Nice name calling and personal insults. Very mature. Glad to see that you're able to act like a grown adult. Eta: I just saw that you told someone else "name calling is not productive"
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