Ignorance gets you run over by the bus because you dont know how to cross the street. Where would we be if Stephen Hawking hadnt thought so much?
i think whoever said that is right
Sometimes when I think too much, I think it is bliss not to think at all.
The Bible also teaches that knowledge is very important.
Linda Joy
Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." -
Yes To trust what you need to know will be there when you need to know it. (on the bigger questions of life)
Someone has said,, if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
I like that
Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." I agree with this. But I also believe knowledge is power. So what do you do? Stick your head in the sand and be blissfully ignorant or search out and spread knowledge to combat the ignorance in the world? Or is that really only spreading sorrow?
Excellent questions to this multi faceted condition we call knowledge.
Thinking too much is something we all do too much. Ignorance is not bliss. Being still, without any thoughts running through the mind is Bliss. Stepping outside the Ego into a thoughtless state of consciousness is Bliss.
Well said Baba I concur!
hes right, ignorance is bliss
If the lioness talks, I think I'm taking her on the road to make some money. :P
Yes she's quite a roar!
i think its true in sonne cases
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