Copy Kat. : P
Linda Joy
I didn't see yours first, I promise!
I never saw any of her shows.
Boola Boo
I watched a few minutes of one, it wasn't my cup of tea. There seems to be a lot of people who relate to the show and love it. In that regard, it's a loss for many.
I'll be in my cry closet and I'm not coming out until they bring back "All In The Family" and "The Jeffersons."
we are dough 68
Did you lock your front door ? -
Hardcore Conservative
Mossberg 500 keeps my front door locked. -
we are dough 68
Is that the name of your German Shepherd ? -
Hardcore Conservative
Yup. She weighs about 8lbs and has an effective range of around 50m. She gets a little tired after that and isn't as effective. -
we are dough 68
What do you feed her ? -
Hardcore Conservative
00 buck
Never cared for Roseanne show anyway. But that's just me. Lol
Could care less I never watched the show and everyone seems to be on a witch hunt of one kind or another.
Linda Joy
My question would be why is it only the black race that is publicized? What about the Native Americans? Japanese? Middle Eastern? Whites experience discrimination and prejudices too! Why is it only punishable when it happens to blacks? Why do they see every interaction as racism instead of possibly a response to their behavior? All prejudice and discrimination is wrong! But not all reports of discrimination actually ARE discrimination! -
Linda Joy
Reminded me of this scene from Psych: -
Hardcore Conservative
What about discrimination against the whites? The Jeffersons are still on and they still call people honkey on that show. -
Linda Joy
I mentioned that. " Whites experience discrimination and prejudices too! Why is it only punishable when it happens to blacks? " -
Archie Bunker
Blacks can't be racist, haven't you heard? Besides, the white, Christian, heterosexual male is the new devil.
I am not a fan of hers, but we have entered an age where freedom of speech has been thrown out the window if a group decides to be offended. In her case, ABC or whatever the station was that ran her show, was afraid of losing sponsors, so they fired her. Not because of her Tweets, but because of the backlash if they didn't. Trump has said (And Done) far worse - Too bad we can't just fire him so easily.
Linda Joy
" ABC sources said advertisers were not a factor in the decision. " If any president deserved to be impeached it was Clinton! -
Of course ABC "sources" said that, and of course many choose to accept that excuse. I don't. It's a money thing. Always has been, always will be. I don't care about Clinton, I am neither a democrat or a fan, but OK. -
Linda Joy
For the record I don't accept the excuse. I believe in personal accountability for one's actions. -
Well, we know that isn't completely true, as comments from your Kavanaugh posts would indicate. Nice try though. What ever helps you sleep at night... -
Sandra Ursula
The View should've been terminated long ago. ABC is hypocritical. -
Linda Joy
I still haven't seen any proof Kavanaugh is guilty. Ford, on the other hand was caught in several lies - that she's afraid to fly that she's afraid to have only one exit - her apartment only had one - that she suffered PTSD after the incident. Her ex bf said none of that was true! Next lie? Batter up! How do you sleep at night after murdering an innocent child?
cause they probably didnt like her tweets
I never watched he show, but there are others who do worse and get by with it, so it's hypocritical to cancel her show.
It is grossly unfair to cancel her shows but allow "The View" to offend millions of people.
It is grossly unfair to cancel her shows but allow "The View" to offend millions of people.
I never liked the actress, so I wouldn't have watched her show.
not rnuch you can do about it
Big deal. The complete TV show is available on DVD. 😄
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