Am i supposed to know who Laura Ingraham is or do you just like to have people waste their time to go look?
Ice man
If you stayed up to date on current events in the news like the rest of us, instead of just being snarky, you would know who she is. If you don't like or have an answer to a question ...just pass it on by and spare us your attitude..
Am i supposed to know who Laura Ingraham is or do you just like to have people waste their time to go look?
Ice man
Is there an echo in here ? And is this you admitting that you aren't as intelligent as you thought you were ? If it is, then BRAVO !! That's a great first step to breaking out of your shell.
she found out not to mess with anyone who is hired with a goal in mind.She found out we are not free any more.
I think it's all bullshit. You have this kid, who puts himself out on public stage, and then cries foul when someone calls him out and questions him. Instead of taking it head on like an adult should, he cries to sponsors to try and get her off the air. Typical childish, leftish move. It's just like when the liberals pull the race card, or the gay card, or the woman card. Nevermind arguing the points, it's just easier to call someone a bully, racist, xenophobe, whatever, and move on.
Ice man
But don't you think they both played the "bully card" ? -
Hardcore Conservative
Not at all. Again, he put himself up on the stage and spouted all his rhetoric. He shouldn't be crying now when people are going to question what he's saying. But instead of getting into the debate over his and Laura's points, he cried like a little bitch.
Do enlighten me, Old Chap. Must have missed this piece in the Times this morning. What is the story ?
Ice man
She is a news host who made "on air" controversial remarks about a survivor of the, Parkland Florida school, mass shooting. To pay her back, the teenager posted a list of her program sponsors. The sponsors quickly canceled their ads and that got her sent home for a week or so. She's now back to work, but with very few sponsors so I'd say she had to take a big cut in pay. Sound like Karma to you ? -
Lilo Avli
Depends on the comments. Wait a minute, let me google her. Blah, blah, blah, David Hogg, preferred colleges, all seems fairly tame, wait.....she looks a bit like Lady Kellyanne Conway !! Leave her alone. I'm in love. She'll get whats coming from her dreams. -
Ice man
How did I know that was coming. She's much better looking and has better teeth than that slapper Kellyanne. -
Lilo Avli
Infamy ! Infamy ! They've all got it in for Kellyanne ! Am I the only true Knight left, to come riding to rescue her virginal honour ? -
Ice man
I think you're a bit late to that "virginal" party. -
Lilo Avli
How can you tell ? I've heard she is still "intact". -
Ice man
I think you better find a better source of info because if she is still "intact" after giving birth to her two children, Claudia & George, then there must have been some immaculate conception going on. -
Lilo Avli
She may be the new Mary to my Joseph. We might travel for days across the wasteland of Canada, with our big ass, seeking a place to stay. The only room will be at Bate's Motel, where I will give birth to a baby girl and name her "Ice" as the Queen told us to. "Ice" will be worshipped by millions and go on to star in reality TV shows and end up committing suicide to save us all from the terrible tyranny of Emperor Putin. Here endeth the prophecy.
Anyone that is condescending and disrespectful like her may benefit to know how it feels to be in the hot seat.
Hardcore Conservative
How, exactly, was she condescending & disrespectful?
I didn't see this kid on her show but from what I understand she's got the highest ratings in her time slot and sponsors are returning (realizing they didn't have the full story) so I don't think it hurt her.
Hardcore Conservative
Agreed. Somehow, people think that because this kid was in school during the shooting and because he's under 18, that he's supposed to be untouchable. -
Linda Joy
I'm glad the kids are becoming politically motivated, now they need to be politically educated. Unfortunately they haven't taught these children that stricter gun laws do NOT affect crime rates and the only people who benefit from disarming the public is oppressive governments and criminals.
not sure, i dont even know who she is
From what I hear, David Hogg is a fraud set up by liberals. She did not deserve to be punished because a silly baby has a tantrum.
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