Just as well as it is part of Unit #1 in which there are no more states when the New Word Order comes into reality. That is happening sooner than you may think.
I think Mexico is first in line.
Mexico and Canada are both parts of Unit #1
With Trump in charge not anytime soon.
Hardcore Conservative
Being that they've been talking about it for over 50 years, I don't think the current President has anything to do with it. And tie that with the fact that there are more Puerto Ricans living in the US than in Puerto Rico, I don't think many of them are concerned about it.
6-18-2017 It appears that most of them don't want in, and several states want out. Hawaii, for instance, wants to restart their religion. Hawaiians have a problem, though: they don't want to work, so they imported Filipinos to work the plantations. Now the most common native language there is Tagalog.
Considering the low turnout, 97% of voters voted in favor of statehood in June of this year. Of course, they're looking for some way to get out of their huge debt and help with their 45% poverty rate, and statehood would help that.
anything is possible, you never know
I hope so and Guam also
Maybe one day.
Eventually they will. The economic benefits would be enormous. However they have had at least two opportunities and have rejected both. Only time will tell.😉
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