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I don't think you can watch porn on youtube. But you can on redtube. =) I don't believe in sinning, but some people would say it is.
Yes it is now go shave your palm .
There's "porn" on YouTube? Our definitions of "porn" must differ.
there is no porn on youtube.
Don't you mean youporn not youtube? I don't think it is a sin. Sin is different for different people. If you think it is, then it is. I don't think it is.+5
No, unless your partner doesn't agree with it. I mean, if your partner is okay with you watching it, then it's just good ol' fun, but if you're watching it behind their back, then that would be adultery... (cheating)... ;D Just tell your partner and if they're okay with it, then you're fine! :D
There are many better sites out there. To use only youtube-connected sits is a sin.
Yes, watch it on Pornhub instead.
Perhaps, but one most of us have committed at one time or another.
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