I see pointlessness; that animal never hurt a soul and was killed for decoration. I feel saddened when I see such an "ornament".
Sandra Ursula
Aw, poor baby, stop crying. -
Linda Joy
How do you know that animal never hurt anyone? I was bitten by a squirrel when I was a kid and if my bro-in-law and the neighbor's dog hadn't caught the squirrel I would have had to have rabies shots in my stomach! Adult monkeys will eat your face! They start with the eyelids and lips! And they throw feces! And that's not even considering the ones we think of as dangerous like lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!
I think its tacky.
Sandra Ursula
I like it.
I see an insecure man who has to prove he can kill an animal with a high powered weapon, and feels the need to remind himself and show others that by having the "trophies" on his wall. I think it is also slightly barbaric.
Sandra Ursula
I think you're misguided.
I generally feel disgusted, but I also pity the person that feels they have to show how 'manly' they are by killing innocent creatures, and the fact that they think that was a good decorating choice.
I think, Why is it necessary and what purpose does it really serve to have a carcass as part of one's decor? To me it's so repulsive.
I think they would look much better on the LIVE body of the animal.
Wow, the best decor you could come up with was the carcass of a dead animal? That's a bit disgusting. I mean, I like the look of your head... maybe I should hunt you, chop it off and mount you? Or even better, I could nail you to a board and hang you over my fireplace. Now wouldn't that be nice?
ok I see one side of it, all funny and interesting answers. How about the other side, what if you like it and why, im not biased by the way, just curious.
The exact thought that comes into my head when I see animal mounts on a wall, "Imagine if that animal comes alive on the wall?". Then I usually start wondering if its real or not. After that, I start thinking about how they could kill an animal and mount it on their wall, and pray that my mom doesn't decide to get a fake one to put on our wall(she likes those kinds of things, but hates that the animal was killed).
Wow that dead deer head just brightens up your room! Who is your decorator? Oh and wow I never thought about putting the turkey on the wall after thanksgiving! You guys are so holiday oriented I don't decorate at all
I think I better lock up my dog.
poor animal(s).
I think that as long as you hunt painlessley hunting is fine. I like to train hunting dogs, becaues it is art to see that dog put up a grouse for you. And it is fun. But cutting their head off and sticking it on a wall... That is like the ultumate humiliation. I like fur-lined things, because that is actually serving a purpose. Still... I think that however many trophies you have it a symbol of how good of a hunter you are. I normally just take a couple sweet pics.
I wonder what Teddy Roosevelt's living room must have looked like.
I wonder what sort of person has this morbid fascination with making these macabre plackards. Taxadermy has got to be one of the weirdest professions there can be. At least the undertaker's work is only seen for a day or so.
Gross. They should have at least cleaned it up.
My first reaction would be to stand there stupidly, staring at the things and get slightly teary-eyed. I've got quite a soft-spot for animals. My first thought would then be, "... Okay, maybe the body is just sticking out on the otherside of the wall. Yeah, that's it. It's still alive, it's just... a little shy... and stiff..."
i dont think much about it, everybody down here in the boondocks have animal mounts all over there house..
hopefully these are old and have sentimental value...coz I don't want to think this guy has shotguns in the house....
That they clearly do not share my tastes in home decor.
Gross and unpleasant. They don't belong there. It also shows a man who thinks he's tough killing animals and hanging them on his wall as pride.
Thouroughly disgusted. Although I've gotten used to it because my uncle hunts. Funny story: I was sitting for my cousin and had fallen asleep on th couch while I waited for my aunt and uncle to come home. I woke up and nearly had a heart attack. Staring right at me was a huge deer. It took me a moment to realize it was dead.
Good shot and poor taste and sick *****
It makes me shudder inside and want to stay away from the person.
I run round like a headless chicken.
"My! What a lovely room of death!"
to bad i didnt get to help eat it
I think "hey cool a hunter!" Then I compare the size of the antlers, horns, or general size of the animal to others I have seen. Check the quality of the taxidermy (If its good I'll ask for the number of their taxadermist). Then I'll probably ask them about it. Bow/Rifle/Muzzleloader? Which state he/she got it in? ect.
I think "Deer, it's what's for dinner." And then the banjos start playing in my head. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind hunting so long as you eat what you kill and do it responsably. In fact I like deer meat. And if you saw what goes on in a slaughterhouse you'd be even more apalled. But it kind of creeps me out to have it hanging on your wall.
That it is creepy to look at a dead animal and I wonder how they died and if they had a good life
i don't really like the animal mounts, however, one of my best friend has a few so i don't criticize him for it. one of the high schools near me has a wildcat as a mascot and the have a stuffed wildcat in the hallway. i think it is cruel, but if you like it, go ahead. just remember, we are animals too!!!
"Murderer!" followed by "You decorate in carcasses?!"
well hell I hate killing animals and especially mounting their body parts most of the time those people discust me
That it is a shame that such a magnificent animial had to die just because he wanted the thrill of killing it. Hunting is Darwinism in reverse. The fittest are killed off leaving the lesser stock to reproduce. Such a shame.
It works on a fireplace; just hanging on the wall is a little creepy.
South African.
I think how inhumane it was to kill such a creature just to put its head on the wall, (which is pretty gruesome if you think of it- imagine a human head on the wall and remember we are all sentient life forms) and I think of the pain the animal suffered as it died.
I think how sad. I feel so sorry for the animal.
That they dont deserve to display it unless they went out and wrestled it down with their bare hands. Maybe a small pocket knife at most, but come on now - hiding in a tree and blasting something that doesnt even know youre there?... sounds quite ridiculous to me.
I usually just think of how the animal suffered and stuff like that. I feel sorry for them too. Yes, I was a vegetarian but then i couldn't be one anymore. I still don't hunt tho...*thinking about going back to my vegetarian days*
I always think.... Aw! How tragic.... Poor animal...
Well when I see animals on the wall many thoughts can go through my head: I wonder what they used to shoot it? Bow or rifle? Where did they shoot it? When did they shoot it? Did it taste good? and could they take me hunting. I have to say this: To all you animal rights freaks bemaoning the poor beast and crucifying the hunter in your answer, shut up. You have no clue about the real world and therefore have no right to speak. Maybe YOU should be on the wall somewhere
That the person is a barbarian.
I think... Hunting must be their hobby. Nothing more, nothing less.
I wonder how they see the sport in it, and then try to stay on the owner's good side because if they have dead animals, they have guns lying around somewhere...
I think Hunting is a more humane way of controlling the animal population and insuring that there is enough food for the rest of them to eat. . I had to take a Conservation class to get my Hunting License. This info may help you to see that not all hunters are redneck morons with guns. Sadly though, some are. Here's the link Having said all that, I would never hang a mount in my home. I think it's disrespectful to the animal.
Jealousy, I wish that I would have killed that animal.
Respect for that persons hunting and or fishing abilities.
That the animal's family has the human responsible mounted on their wall.
I get nervous and leave. I think they like looking at dead animals and I don't.
I feel vaguely ill.
It's not positive if that's what you mean...
That its just another example of how some humans want to display the fact that they think they are better and have supreme power over other animals. It disgusts me.
I think anyone that "mounts" animals should be given a very wide berth. Perverts...
Hmmm,It is not very hard to tell which side of the hunting controversy you people land on. I wonder if you realize how much those tacky hunters love the animals they hunt? Not to mention the amount of money they spend preserving habitat for animals. I suggest you do your research before you judge these heartless killers. With every animal mount you see on a wall is a story that goes along with it full of wonderfull memories. By they way, have you ever seen how wild animals die when there numbers aren't managed by hunting? I know this all falls on deaf ears, but just know that there are many respectable people that know the true benefits of hunting.
wait a minute, i don't even like Ted Nugent Ace Ventura on the other hand is a guy i can trust
honestly, i believe the more mounts the better. hunting is an enjoyable, thrilling activity. if a hunter kills a trophy buck, they sure as hell better put it up on the wall as there is no guarantee that another will come later down the road. to all the tree-hugging p.e.t.a. members, for those that are not vegetarians, where the hell do you think beef comes from? as long as something is done with the game that is killed i don't see what the problem is. when i see animal mounts on someone's wall, I think, "Whoever shot this game is a badass. He is one hell of a hunter."
i need to leave before i question his manhood verbally
it is a statue
I think its cool because it's like a medal of honor and its the circle of life.
Just happy they don't do that to humans anymore. You may not like it but its called a trophy a keepsake A picture would probably do the trick but different strokes for different folks.
the guy must be pretty acrobatic!
Did he eat the meat or weasted it.
I think the same thing as when I see a leather couch, jacket, or shoes. "What insecure man thought he was being big and tough by killing an innocent creature, and using it for something? That horrible person probably eats meat too, how cruel and barbaric!"
I think "That's one HORNY animal!"
I feel very sorry for that animal!!!
What goes through my mind is i wish i could have hunted it down kill it in any sort of way gun,bow,knife,or trap then skinned or mount it then hang it up on the wall or make it into a coat,hat,rug,or any type of apparel. Plus i hate p.e.t.a tree hugging bastards i love to kill animals stupid things they have no compassity to think or anything so whats the big deal i wish i could trophy hunt them down the only animal that should not be hunted are humans and tigers all other animals should be hunted when they are big and strong enouph to fight and once its dead then make the dumb thing into a mount,trophy,or any type of apparel.
Cruel, NAsty
I Dont Have A Problem With Them
I want to look at the quality of the mount and if it's good find out who did it.
I think he must have some nice guns.
I think to myself what did he use to kill it.
theres a cover for every pot
If it's a puny little mount like a 2-point buck, I ask myself a) why didn't he let it grow up, and b) why did he pay to get such a small mount done. On the other hand, if it's a bruiser with a 4x4 or better rack, I usually congratulate him
To The Dead Dear "I am sorry I had to kill thee Little Brother. But I had need of thy meat. My children were hungry and crying for food. Forgive me Little Brother. I will do honour to thy courage, thy streangth and thy beauty. See I will hang thine hornes on this tree. I will decorate them with red streamers. Each time I pass, I will remember thee and do honour to thy spirit. I am sorry I had to kill thee. Forgive me Little Brother. See, I smoke to thy memory. I burn tobacco." by: The Gospel of The Redman
well I usually first appreciate the beauty of the animal. Then I ask the owner to tell me the story behind it. From there I then tell a story of my own. Simple as that.
it bothers me. i look at it and it does not feel right. just wrong. guess i can understand about people hunting for food to survive and eat, but to mount a animal on your wall to stare at.. just wrong.
Depends, everything in moderation. Animals are better then humans, so I would not want to honor a human by putting him up on a wall. But if is done correctly, it is a great way to honor god's creations.
that must be their first kill of that animal
They are skilled hunters and these are there trophys of proof, if your not sober and by observing them you might experience your mind tricking you into thinking they are speaking to you.
I think he is a great hunter who has shot much game that me great trophies.
I think the animals should have ran faster.
never seen one but its weird
I think he's a skilled hunter.
Hillbilly is my firsts thought. No offense, it's just my first thought. My 2nd thought is sadness.
That they probably like hunting and mounting their kills. That they probably have a lot of interesting stories to tell, that they probably know some good game meat recipes. That they are not too lazy to get out of bed before the sun comes up and get in some exercise. That they probably have good eyesight, a steady hand, and if they are over the age of 15 they're probably in fairly good shape. I would suspect they probably only hunt in season according to law and are interested in preserving the wildlife. Though some are unscrupulous, most are not. And if I were in a survival situation I'd probably want them on my side. I wouldn't want them (the mounted animals) in my house though. They're kinda creepy and more than a little tacky. On the other hand it could be their ancestor's trophies for all I know! Or they could have bought them.
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