No, spam is based on sending the same repeated and irrelevant messages. What the Jehovah's Witness are doing is sharing their religious views like all other religious members. The only difference between them is that they like to quote the scriptures frequently as it should be, unlike other religious members who don't have reference to support their claims.
It would be nice if the admin could see through her smoke screen. It is not spam that bothers her, it is Jehovah's Witnesses and the scriptures. Notice her specifying JW spam rather than just spam. -
Linda Joy
Because JW's are the only religion that spams here. And constantly posting links to your propaganda is spam just as much as when the ppl from india spam their business disguised as questions posting links to their businesses. And I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I tell the truth as I see it. And Jenny knows full well I don't mind links to scriptures, just not propaganda. -
Linda Joy
And you can stop this just as easily as you started it, or I can go toe to toe. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "Because JW's are the only religion that spams here." Quoting numerous scriptures is knowledge, not spam. You said it yourself, people from India are disguised in questions. The Jehovah's Witness are not business men who want your money. You are just overeating, because they don't agree with your religious views. -
Hi Jenny. I don't know if you saw my question about Jehovah's Witnesses being tortured in Russia? As soon as I posted that, Linda Joy accused me of posting spam. If her and answerbag were around at the beginning of NAZI Germany, and someone posted one link to what the NAZI Party started doing to Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, Gypsys, etc, she would say that was spam and flag it since German Mormons supported the NAZIs and were not affected. -
Linda Joy
I already told you both I have no problem with posting scriptures! And when have I ever spammed or even posted about my religion? My religion has nothing to do with this. This jerk is spamming. I never reported Jw's spamming until now! And its his fault for getting smart with me to begin with! And once again, no, the Russians did not copy Germany Germany coppied Russia. Do I have to tell you again or did you finally get it this time? HAHAHAHA! Dude, you started all this by not obeying the spamming rules and if you keep this up so will I! You keep dragging my religion into it and I'll make it my mission to post anti JW propaganda every day until you stop! A new news article every day from a new news source. And you started this as well when you dragged my religion into it. -
Linda Joy
No, Jenny. Spam is "to send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet." So I guess no one can technically spam on AB because there is not a 'large number of recipients' on AB to begin with. lol -
Linda Joy
I've reconsidered. Its not right to bash a religion. But I'll flag Texasescimo's spam every time from now on! -
This was my question: Is Putin's Russia following in the footsteps of Hitler's Germany and Stalin in torturing Jehovah's Witnesses? Of course, I posted a link to the facts but you flagged it and it was taken down. I can prove what I said. I will post the order of what I said in three different comments. Hopefully you can read and learn before you try to have the comments deleted and then claim I said something different that what I did -
Texasescimo Jehovah's Witnesses in the Holocaust Chronology of events 1933-1945 1933 - About 25,000 Jehovah's Witnesses are active in Germany. March, first concentration camp, Dachau, established. April 1, all religious literature printed by Jehovah's Witnesses is banned from circulation in Germany. In June, Prussian State Police ban the work and organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. Some Witnesses sentenced to terms in labor and concentration camps. Watch Tower office in Magdeburg raided and closed. August 16, first mention of existence of concentration camps in the Golden Age magazine (now Awake!), published internationally by Jehovah's Witnesses. 1934 - October 7, telegrams of protest sent to Hitler by Jehovah's Witnesses in 50 countries, including Germany. 1935 - April 1, Jehovah's Witnesses banned from all civil service jobs and arrested throughout Germany. Pension and employment benefits confiscated. Marriage to one of Jehovah's Witnesses becomes legal grounds for divorce. Children of Jehovah's Witnesses banned from attending school. Some children taken from parents to be raised in Nazi homes and reform schools. 1936 - Mass arrests of Jehovah's Witnesses. Several thousand are sent to concentration camps and some remain there until 1945. December 12, Jehovah's Witnesses throughout Germany secretly distribute 200,000 copies of the Lucerne Resolution, a protest of Nazi atrocities, in one hour. 1937 - Buchenwald concentration camp established. Here is first known use of the purple triangle as a symbol for camp inmates who are Jehovah's Witnesses. April 22, Gestapo order directs that all of Jehovah's Witnesses released from prison be taken directly to concentration camps. June 20, Jehovah's Witnesses throughout Germany secretly distribute the "Open Letter," which supplies detailed accounts of Nazi atrocities. 1938 - October 2, Watch Tower Society President J. F. Rutherford, speaking over a network of 60 radio stations, denounces Nazi persecution of the Jews. November 9 and 10, Jews experience a nationwide attack in a pogrom called Krystallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). About 25,000 Jewish men deported to concentration camps. On November 15, all Jewish children expelled from school. 1939 - September 15, August Dickman, one of Jehovah's Witnesses and the first conscientious objector of the war to be executed, dies by firing squad at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. 1942 - January 20, Wannsee Conference of Nazi officials formalizes plans for the so-called Final Solution, the extermination of European Jewry. 1945 - May 7, Germany surrenders and the war in Europe ends. The Nuremberg war crimes trials begin in November. September 30, verdicts of the war crimes trials announced in Nuremberg on the same day that Jehovah's Witnesses hold public convention at the Zeppelinwiese, formerly used for Nazi Party rallies. -
Texasescimo In April 1951 more than 9,000 Jehovahs Witnesses were rounded up and sent to Siberia on Stalins instruction. -
Texasescimo -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Texasescimo, I will look into your questions. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "I already told you both I have no problem with posting scriptures!" Then that's what you are going to see from me, Tex and any other religious member who prefers to back up their answers with reference. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "And when have I ever spammed or even posted about my religion?" You posted your Religion in one of my questions: *Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: ""Spam is "to send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet." The same duplicate propaganda should be flagged immediately. I'll flag it myself if that was the case with the Jehovah's Witness. Every question deserves a relevant answer. With the amount of Jehovah's Witness members on Answerbag, they are reasoning with others in the religious category. -
Linda Joy
So a direct answer to a direct question is what you consider me spamming my religion all over AB like the JW's always do? Now you deserve a facepalm! Scriptures is what I've BEEN seeing from you, and I've never had a problem with it. "Tex" as you call him is a smart ass and I don't appreciate him getting smart with me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, a direct answer to my question lets others know what Religion you belong to. Quote: "Now you deserve a facepalm!" Not quite, and I will explain why. Anybody who knows about your Religion has obviously seen your religious posts. (Everybody has their own way of answering questions). -
Jenny The Great ⭐
A side note for the viewer: I am not a Jehovah's Witness. To call it fair, duplicate and irrational posts should be flagged depending on the subject.
I flag spam as spam. If it's just JW's trying to do their preaching, I ignore that crap. Every answer here isn't based on religion.
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