Look for a deodorant AND an antipresperant. Most have Aluminun Chlorhydrate as an component. Pardon my mis-spelling. You might try getting the little sample size of several brands and see which works best for you. Ive seen these at walmart.
Try "Once A Week" deodorant. It's a very good solution for your body odor. In that no alluminium and alcohol. It's a tissue type deo, apply once and odor free for seven days. No need to apply every day and the best part, it is fragrance free. You may email me if u cant get the product [email protected]
There is a brand here called mitchum (I believe) that is the the strongest you can get without a prescription.
sports in men always works for me. i am female but eh whatever does the job!!!
womens deodrents smell like shit it's like why the hell do i want to have a whiff of roses or powder when i lift my arm? uhhh sorry no thanks i use old spice...partly because i think it smells sexy but also it works
Arm and Hammer brand. Great stuff. The solid lasts forever and does a very good job.
try an unscented men's deodorant. if that doesn't work you could try secret clinical strength, but usually women's deodorants smell terrible and fake. if you are still having problems, try a prescription deodorant.
Some health stores carry something called a mineral deodorant stone. It uses natural minerals to prevent the bacteria from causing odor. Works great, and you can't even feel that you have it on.
i loveeee dove im not sure how strong it is tho but im a soccer player and it holds up pretty well i think it works pretty good you culd give tat a try
those that you have mentioned have the least active ingrdent.i looked up all the types.seceret should work but if you want a clinicail strength just get mitchum its basiclt the same
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