Maybe this?
Like me.
I fantasize about one that is the size and configuration of a tiny insect.
Probably much like this: You can click on the rosietoons to get a better look at this "lady".
dead fish heads on the body of a human. i had a creepy dream of this once...
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
It was in an episode of Night Gallery.
I think that the Hollywood impression of how Aliens would look is inaccurate to say the least.If creatures could travel that distance how do we know they would have a physical form at all.We can only think with our very limited minds and could never conceive the complexity of other worldly beings.
My mother.
i dont believe in alien!!!
I'm guessing
u,thats whaqt they look like
I think they can take many forms....I think there are mutiple types of speices of aleins
I am supposing that you mean alien and not alian and that you mean an extra terrestrial and not just someone from another country; so I'll go with this.
Ask Sigourney Weaver.
Intelligent enough to spell alien.
A cross between Jocelyn Wildenstein, Iggy Pop and Kellyanne Conway.
A cross between Dean Friedman , Beaker95 and a baboon's bum.
we are dough 68
My kinda girl.
I'm pretty much convinced Jared Kushner is an alien.😏
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I take that back, whatever people named Allan look like.
Like an Australien. (I mean, c''s in the name...)
They look like we earthlings
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