Yes. Onions are a natural antibiotic! Very good for you! I like them in almost everything! Some people believe you can draw toxins out of your body by placing a slice of onion on your feet overnight covered by a sock. I've never tried it.
Cry me a River
I,ve heard that before, I,m going to try it! -
Moving Violation
No onions for me bad breath for 3 days not for me Nov.16.2021
I can't eat the red ones. Even if I eat something that touched one, I break out in hives and get horrible cramps.
Linda Joy
Probably because your mom was a vegetarian when pregnant with you. lol
theyre okay but i like other foods better
yup...raw onions
I like onions as a spice to help flavor certain dishes. Especially Mexican.
I like them with liver especially, although I've been known, on a couple of occasions, to slice up a few onions, saute them, and pig out.
i love onions...... raw on bread and butter in stews etc fried grilled pickled ...just love them anyways
Only red onions as part of a salad.
I don't like snails, or toads, or frogs, Or strange things living under logs, But, mmm, I love onions. --Susan Christie, "I Love Onions" (1966)
I like onions, and especially Funyuns. The dough with onion powder tastes pretty good. 😄
Yes, I like onions. Normal. red or spring/salad onions, raw in salads or cooked.
Yup, onions are good. 8/28/23
They make me cry but yes
Yes but only when mixed in with other ingredients such as a dinner or red onion in a salad or something like that. I just realised right now that I answered this question already. The question must have been asked a good while back and recently appearing on the questions list.
I like raw onions.
Only when fried
I like "Green Onions". It has a funky beat that I can really bug out to.
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