• If I were to answer in the spirit in which I interpreted your question: Look, raghead. Don't make us have to take it from you In Arabic: lalalalalalalalalallalal!!
  • funny, i just ordered a farsi language system - not arabic. can you say, international war crimes court? oh, the united states signed it but with so many reservations that it'll never be able to be applied to the present unlawful war we've engaged in ... maybe our next attorney general will know how to read the law and defend the constitution and will take action to protect the lives of our troops ... maybe iraq could try criminals in abstentia?
  • Haha, why would we need to speak Arabic?
  • �‡Ù„ لنا ان تغزو بلدكم في إطار من التظاهر بعد تحرير لكم اننا نريد ان تعتمد كل الكلمات النفط ايضا؟
  • Operation Iraqi Liberation....;-D...(the *original* name of Operation Iraqi Freedom). . . .
  • Im sure this link can help you
  • I'm not sure, but at the beginning of the song "Marrakesh Express" by CSN, Graham Nash says, under his breath, "Whoopah! Hamessa hooga hoffa hameshi guush guush". Hope that helps.
  • egroeg hsub eht rediced
  • ummm, i think that 15 years ago, when saddam made his move and we landed our troops into saudi arabia, we bombarded his troops and special regiments. we killed about 200,000 men and decimated his rocket launching equipment, tanks, etc. since then, you're right, iraq hasn't had much of an army. so, why did we go in there? was it a "bully decision"? we know we can kick their @$$ - or was it more to it than that? it's not like our cia hadn't installed saddam as dictator anyway. we have a hard time living with the dictators we choose. i guess, so do the tens of thousands that they kill. maybe, if we're so righteous, maybe we all ought to be spending time reading holy scriptures?
  • I can give you that in English...Imperialism! LOL
  • how do you say paranoid?
  • �‡Ù„ لنا ان نغزو بلادكم في إطار التظاهر بتحريركم رغم اننا نريد ان نستولي على نفطكم؟

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