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  • Because we like 2 on 1 :-)
  • Because men like a challenge. Some women seem to be attracted to gay men, too. It's that mentality of, "Oh, you just haven't met the right (person of opposite sex) yet. I can change your mind." Right. Just like they can change a cat into a dog.
  • Its because men know that other men are gross. There is only four solutions then. Myself with a woman(or women) or a women with a woman( or women).
  • They are attracted to the idea of lesbians, but not actual lesbians. The lesbians they are attracted to are usually women who fit the typical male fantasy look (thin, long hair, little or no body hair, big boobs), and 'get it on' with another woman who looks the same for the purpose of fulfilling a male fantasy. Real lesbians on the other hand, are often women who reject this cultural stereotype. Some look a bit on the masculine side and some reject the race for thinness and may be overweight... In our culture, men are conditioned to find such women repugnant.
  • I don't think men are attracted to lesbians, per se. It seems to me that a guy in that category is actually just attracted to women who will put on a show of being turned on by the other woman, but who ultimately want to sleep with him (and are therefore not lesbians).
  • Speak for yourself. Butch doesn't attract me one bit. Homosexuality is wrong. The answer to the question is because they think it will be much easier to get a lesbian to do things than it would to get a straight girl to. (Let's see who all rates based upon opinion rather than helpfulness.)
  • Not all lesbians. Lipstick lesbians are hot, but not those manly butches.
  • Double dose of nudity while buffing the knob.
  • I am attracted to lesbians but not to butch lesbians but i like the pretty ones.The reason why i like lesbians is cause ive loved girls my whole life,so if there is more than 1 or 2 or 3 girls doin my job,then there is nothing wrong with girls doin what i love to see or do.its HOT!!
  • I think Howard Stern spent years fascinated with lesbians and the men that listen to his talk show feed into the idea. I guess it is sort of the reason that dogs chase cars, they never seem to catch them. Also, I think some guys are so egotistical that they think their crotch rocket can "change" these women over and turn them to men.
  • Its like a forbiddin fruit.It looks tastey but you can't eat it!!!
  • I asked a guy this once and he said that it's twice what a guy already doesn't get. Well, some might actually get it, though. So I guess it's twice what turns a guy on to begin with.
  • Because men are naughty beasties.
  • because women is the ultimate representation of the combination of beauty and sex. We (men) go to a woman to disrupt the beauty and share sex but when two women are together beauty is not disrupted but enhanced and yet sex is all over the place.
  • I think men are attracted to lesbians because they are attracted to women and would like to have a threesome. The fact that they are lesbians intrigues them and makes them very interesting to them.
  • I think that men are fascinated, and some like to imagine being included, and that somehow the women will be more interested in the man than each other.
  • I'm not.
  • My dear departed Mother-in-Law used to say..."some men would screw a snake, if someone would hold the head still." I never got to meet my Partner's Mom, but I did find her saying funny, and in some cases probably true. I think only a guy can answer this question with the most accurate honesty...the rest of us can only theorize. For some, probably the challenge, or false belief that there is no way anyone could really have hot sex without a penis being present. (EGO ALERT!) For some it might Be that if the Lesbian is very femme (Lipstick, high heels, thin) they think she can't possibly be REALLY into women. And I would be willing to guess that sometimes there is a friendship that grows into deeper feelings on the part of the guy and like anyone who truly cares for another person on an emotional level, there is hope that maybe the "differences" can somehow be over come. A lot of guys ARE horn-dawgs out there. But not all of them...some are just decent, kind human beings. The same with women...straight or gay..both types exist along with a huge cast of "other" types.
  • I would think it's because they see the challenge of someone that they can not have.Also,I think it has to do with picturing them with another woman that turns them on. Haha.
  • im not attracted to lesbians per se because most of the ones i have personally seen together are fat and very ugly, but there are good looking ones too, and those are the ones that men like, because they either like watching, or thinking about what the 2 good looking girls might do together
  • Don't worry it's so normal girls like gay guys too and are attracted to them I think it's because they wouldn't care to have a 3 some lol I don't know.
  • Because it's something they can't have.That makes them want it even more.
  • Alot of men are attracted to the fantasy, of being part of a threesome and seeing a woman doing something with another woman. That is not all men of course, but I have heard of many speak of this fantasy.
  • SEX. Men want it, want to watch it, be part of it, and no homo-implications if it's 2 women. Besides, porn focuses heavily on the fantasies of men, so if they see it, they think about it, they talk about it, it has become 'the standard.' Men in the 50's wanted Betty Grable and Marylin Monroe, because the standard fantasy was the pin up girl... 20's were probably fantasizing about flappers-- whatever is popular at that time--
  • Because they can't have them.
  • Cause men like the idea of humping 2 women at the same time and they think that the lesbian couple they know,would like to use a d*ck sometimes so this turn them on cause they have the thought that they will be the lucky ones...too bad they are always wrong :P
  • Because we're attracted to women, and we love sex. It doesn't matter what the women are doing really. Also, men are much more aroused by visual stimulation than women are.
  • i think men like lesbian cause they can be wilder as they can than what normal girls can?.. i dunno..
  • Must be the haircuts.
  • men love 1 woman naked so 2 woman naked to them is heaven plus they are smooth and gentle way more sexy to watch then 2 mo's packen eachothers fudge.
  • men think that a 3 some will jump off.
  • lesbians can make men sensuously erotic with their beauty of sex.
  • Men think that it is soo sexy and a turn on to see two women getting it on. I wonder if they feel the same way about two guys? lol
  • I'm not.
  • I'm a guy but, the idea of lesbians doesn't really phase me too much. Maybe I'm just weird like that. On the other hand, if the girl is bisexual, I could understand alot of guys being attracted to that in a .."desperate" hope for some kind of three-way action. I'm not really that kind of guy most of the time but I could definately understand that aspect.
  • Two for one sale!
  • same reason women are attracted to gays.
  • Well, they can fix a transmission, wrangle a calf, lift upwards of 300 lbs, and make me look good by comparison just by standing next to me. And then theres all that flannel.What guy doent like flannel?
  • because in lesbian porn you dont get some sweaty man going "oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah"
  • Because there good in porno's!
  • I think it's because men find it erotic to watch kissing and sex acts on TV, but don't like the thought of getting off on seeing a naked guy. Without a guy on screen, they can enjoy the sexual excitement and even mentally throw themself into the fantasy. Strangely, women like to think of what that person would do to them and so would rather see a man and woman or even two women than see two men together.
  • Its the the thought of two women touching each other that makes us want to join in.
  • common sense..its a two for one deal
  • That's a generalization don't you think? I'll give you a real life example. A number of years ago I met a young Lady, very attractive, very nice gal. Hung out, liked her a lot. Thought about asking her out several times. She dropped the bomb. I couldn't compete, didn't have that equipment. The attraction as a guy/gal thing stopped dead. I do however, have a great lesbian pal of 21 years and still counting. No, not all men are attracted to lesbians for the purposes of doing the dirty even if they are knockouts in every sense of the word.
  • I only like bysexual
  • well first of all girls most of the time think gay guys are hot well if we pretty much see a girl in any sort of sexual action then we are going to get aroused
  • Men who are attracted to women are so because they are intimidated by the idea of having to pleasure a women themselves. Therefore they introduce in to the fantasy the idea of another woman who can do the job for them.
  • Well Hell I dont I'm not I like straight woman
  • I love fantasy lesbians, but my god..nothing against real lesbians...I had a pair move in next door to me and they made my family's life a living hell for 4 phonecalls with no answers on the other side, unmarked christmas cards, religious articles in the mail, like bibles n what not. All in all, only fantasy lesbians are cool. Real "dykes" are crazy, they think they have something to prove to the world, to out do men or something. Once again, no offence to any lesbians out there, my neighbours were 2 in a million. PS we made them move, after a long and bloody turf war :)
  • Most of the answers I have read are very narrow minded. Seems that all the replyers don't think too deeply. Men want to be a woman and have sex as a woman. Thought they can't they have to watch 2 women doing it.. or a man n 2 women together. All in a fantasy.. but not for all. I'd go on but you don't understand!
  • aren't we all attracted to what we can't have?
  • Most men are uncomfortable with seeing gay sex. He doesn't want to see a guys parts. He feels safe, because when there are two women, he can imagine being one of the women, without feeling like he is gay. The sight of another guy turns him off.
  • Men (straight) are attracted to any good looking woman and can car less if she is lesbian. They just want to f@#k her. Most of the lesbians I have encountered would never see an inch of me (they are just plain UGLY). However, I have met some that are lookers and would not want to turn down an opportunity to lick and stick with all I have. Some times I get the feeling that I could "show her what she is missing". Some men do like challenges. All men (straight) like to do it with a beautiful girl.
  • for the challenge of getting them to switch sides .... or in hopes that they can "watch"
  • Women are beautiful, exotic creatures. Lesbian or not, why is it hard for women to understand that men are attracted to either. Pleasuring a women turns us on, even if it is another female doing it. Plus, more than one woman possibly desiring us at the same time is off the ricter scale!
  • Every man who has ever explained this to me has said the same thing: It's the fact that there's no other man involved. Like when guys look at girl on girl stuff, they like it because there's no guy parts to look at. they (well, straight men) aren't attracted to other guys, so they don't want to see it. Or at least that's what i've been told. *shrug*
  • Because we always want what we can never have ...
  • That is a good question that i don't get either. But i don't see why they like it so much because that just leaves less women for them to have..
  • People want what they can't have.
  • they are wild.
  • Men aren't into LESBIANS, but they are into THE ACT of 2 woman being sexual together. Woman are soft sensual and desirable. I ideal of one woman is great, BUT HELL add more and it's even better.
  • Because us Men like the same thing the Lesbians Like in a Woman Think About It !
  • I didn't get the memo.
  • Abjects men! You see the street dogs eats JUNKS !!.
  • The women is the cause, if no women; then no men attract to any of!!.
  • Because they are forgetting the Judgmentday and the Hell!!. Who think in this two matters, he/she will tremble if he/she realy believer.
  • what an absolutely ridiculous person, male or female, can know just by looking who is or is not a lesbian. I guess though, if they have been told that a person is lesbian that they are attracted in the same way that a person is attracted to a married person: because committment cannot be part of such a relationship. OR, perhaps those who appear to be attracted to a known lesbian is just trying to prove his manhood by proving that he can get it on with any woman of any kind or type through false 'attraction' to just use the lesbian for his own twisted purposes. FORTUNATELY, A LESBIAN WHO ONLY LOVES WOMEN WOULD NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SUCH A MAN SEXUALLY, UNLESS SHE JUST WANTS TO TRY TO SEE IF SHE IS MISSING SOMETHING. or, IF SHE WANTS TO PROVE HIM RIDICULOUS WHEN SHE SAYS "GET LOST". SHE JUST WANTS TO BE FRIENDS. IF SUCH A 'MAN' WOULD NOT SETTLE WITH JUST BEING FRIENDS, HE SHOULD CHECK OUT HIS EGO AND INSINCERE ATTITUDE.
  • cos theres always a possibility of a 3sum...
  • Because men think of a woman with her breasts, long legs, flat stomache, making love to them - and then they times it by 2! (although lesbians would not be making love to a man, this is what they fantasize about)
  • Because they love watching and feel lazy to touch and mind about someone :D
  • i haven t checked every one of the answers,only those on the first page,but i haven t seen this answer so i ll throw it in.this may just be a personal quirk that i have but i am not bothered by a female that i m spending time with having a lesbian relationship on the side, but for that same female to even flirt with another man i start preparing myself to end the relationship. i think also the thing that i find the most attractive about lesbians is that once i do get close to them i really feel that there are fewer mind games involved they tend to be more honest and open.
  • Im not at all. But I would say becauase most men want what they cannot have and the fact they may be doubling there pleasure.
  • I have been told that they like lesbians because they do not like seeing other male anatomy and being compared to it or feeling inferior (in pornography and such) . Thats what Ive heard, but honestly I cant really say !
  • You get 2 for the price of 1 is the reason why I love lesbians. ;)
  • I have never heard of men being attracted to lesbians. I am in the entertainment world and they are attracted to the bisexual woman. Being bisexual doesn't mean you are a lesbian.
  • more body heat during sleep
  • Lesbians have pussies, therefore heterosexual men are attracted to them. Pretty simple really.
  • I have two theories... #1: most men only want what they can not have. #2: their testosteron fed ego tells them that they can change that by showing her what it's like to be with a "real" man. But that's just my theory.
  • Honestly, I Just asked my boyfriend this question last night! Well I asked him why guys think it's so sexy when 2 girls make out or have sex, because I, as a female, do NOT find it sexy when 2 guys make out or have sex. He said the reason is because females are beautiful. They have beautiful bodies and they are overall just beautiful creatures. Men on the other hand are masculine and....well not so beautiful haha. So it's sexy for men to see 2 beautiful creatures acting out on a beautiful thing such as sex.
  • the same reason lesbians are.
  • $100 is good but $200 is twice as good.
  • Paul Reiser said it best in Mad About You when asked why men love girl/girl stuff: "I agree with both of them."
  • because three-sums are fun
  • Because they are women and hetero men are attracted to women.
  • We men are very visual (and a bit mechanical). So we can get very aroused just seeing a woman aroused. Seeing a woman and another bloke arousing each other is sometimes vaguely uncomfortable, but seeing two women arousing each other is very exciting indeed. I guess it is partly because we're just wired up that way!
  • I wasn't aware that they were. However, I'm a bit naive about the subject. It would seem though, that men like women who are more of a challenge; in other words, "hard to get". A lesbian would fit that criteria. It's the thrill of the chase, so to speak. Or should I say, chaste?? Theoretically, a woman who has never slept with a man is a virgin.
  • I think most guys think about "Playboy Bunnies" getting it on , rather than two big ,ugly,nasty sweaty Rosie O'Donnell clones . Just being honest.
  • Good question, i dunno.
  • because men always want what they can't have !!
  • we're not attracted to actual lesbians, just seeing to woman kissing and having sex turns MOST of us on.(I do get turned on by lesbians, but only in videos of hot ones).
  • The same reason the like pussy ......cats!
  • I think the saying is "Double your pleasure; double your f**"...
  • When a see a male gaycouple i think it's gross and they have to stay outa my way.. simple because I like women.. And because I like women it is nice to see 2 women making out no matter if they like men or not.. for me it is just very nice to see :-) Can't help it, testosteron is running through my veins. It's more special if you see two women doing something sexual.. makes u want to join 'em ;-)
  • There is no such things as too much of a good thing. 0 Girls = Bad 1 Girl = Good 2 Girls = Great 3 Girls = Ecstatic and so on...
  • Because, they want a chance to get in between and take turn with each one of them. They think it is hot, for two girl to be into one another and also want the same guy or man. All guys think about that no mater what ever they say to a woman. I can read there dirty little minds. Gross!!!
  • men are attracted to anything that looks like barbie out on the town, be it lesbian, trans, bi, animal or thing :)
  • Maybe, "it's because it is diffrent" than being with just one partner and it a Rush to them too,think about them being with two women at the same time wanting you and being into each other.It's like a big happy family,LOL!!
  • I think it has something to do with the fact lesbians can see what's beautiful about the female body. I don't really understand it myself.
  • Because most straight men dont want to think about/see/interact with any penis but their own...dave chapelle calls it the one penis per fantasy rule, and that penis is our own...lesbians/bi women equals more beautiful women to love on

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