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im sure some are
My son is dating a black girl.
Having dated both Black and Asian as well as others, I can easily say you're worried about nothing much. It's not your skin colour, Asian girls just put out and have an exotic charm, is all. Black girls are fun in other ways though.
Not in general, although there are some out there. Halle Berry is smokin hot, but she also doesn't have a big ass. I'm not into big asses.
Not really, but I am totally obsessed with black men. I always like being with another man, but I just LOVE being with black men.
I’m a white guy who loves black women. Women of other races don’t really do it for me. I also have a strong admiration for black entertainment too.
When they look like your photo, yes.
I'm attracted to women in general and some men too. I don't care what the person's ethnicity is. What's important is whether the person is decent. People worry too much about race.
I'm gay, and I'm tremendously attracted to black trans women...does that count? It sure does for me.
I don't generally notice race, believe it or not. When it comes being horny, all i see is naked!!!!
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