• Navy. The technolgies used in the Navy are incredible. They have every airplane that the Air Force has, but can launch them from a nuclear powered carrier at sea. The possibilities for education are endless. My father's service in the Navy gained him the engineering knowledge to land him a 35 year career with General Motors.
  • Navy. You are way, way less likely to die in the Navy - this alone makes it by far the most desirable branch.
  • You would also be pretty safe in the Air Force as long as you are not flying on combat aircraft. Even then, these aircraft have not been getting in close enough to the fighting to be in much danger lately. However, without really knowing what it is that you want to get out of your military service or what you want to do, it would really be hard for any of us to tell you which service to join. Each branch has its own strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I would talk to recruiters from all of the forces. Be careful about any promises they might make and don't let them pressure you into a decision, but get information about the opportunities and benefits the each service has to offer and then decide which looks best for you.
  • It would depend on what appeals to you... Army: The Army is the largest branch of the services. Its basic training course is 9 weeks long and fairly strenuous. After basic training most units keep a pretty strict PT regime so if you go Army expect to stay fit and active. Since the Army is huge there are both a lot of combat arms(infantry, armor, etc) as well as noncombat arms (xray technicians, public affairs, etc) jobs . The Army also has many bases around the country and the world. Some are in exciting places such as the East Coast and Europe while others are located in places a bit less enthralling such as the middle of Missouri. Basically with the Army your job could be educational, boring, dangerous, fun, it all depends on what job designation you choose within. Air Force: If you want the most technologically inclined as well as laid back of the services, then Air Force might be a good choice. Their basic training program is 6 weeks long, the PT test is fairly easy, and most likely you will not be serving in combat arms. Actual flying is done by a very small percentage of airmen, most everything else in the Air Force is comprised of missions to support this as well as their other misc projects. Many Air Force positions place strong emphasis on science and technology and the potential for carryover into the civilian job market is obvious. Navy: Also technologically inclined with great potential for valuable training for the civilian world is the Navy. Basic training is a bit longer than the Air Force at 9 weeks. You might also find it difficult if you end up on a ship, some can be at sea for extended periods of time. Then again if you love the sea it could be a great experience. If you join the Navy, chances are you will get to spend time on one of the coasts or on an overseas base. There's very little Navy activity in the middle of the country (it is just prairies and mountains afterall hahah). Marine Corps: The Marine Corps is the smallest branch, associated the most with gung-ho military attitude, and is also considered to have the toughest recruit training with a 13 week bootcamp. Because of this, they are highly respected by military and nonmilitary alike. The Marine Corps is known for its combat arms branches and while they certainly have their fair share of people fighting there are also some jobs more towards the rear. Since the Marine Corps is so small, there are not many bases or big ones for that matter. Many Marines find themselves attached to an Army or Navy base (or in a combat zone). With all that said, its important to note that salaries are the same across the board in all branches. An E-3 in the Army gets paid the same as an E-3 in the Air Force. Each branch may have various incentives after that. Overall, I'd say if you want to join the military for education and future job prospects, join the Air Force. If you want to join for comraderie and the archetypal military experience, join the Marines.
  • You left out the Coast Guard, which is the smallest branch of the military
  • I would be wary joining and be sure that your life is on the line and you could be killed or maimed as a consequence of deciding to join.You have no choice on if you go to war or not,and you will not be making the decisions in your life,the military will.
  • I joined the Marines 3 weeks ago. My reasoning: All branches are highly respected but in terms of training the Marines is generally the hardest. (Not including Seals and Spec ops) Life has no room for mediocracy. You have one life so be certain of your decision prior to setting down a conclusion. Navy - I could never stay at sea for large periods Great training and top notch intel! Army - Great if you want the military experience plus good overlay into civilian life. Not as organized as I would like but far superior to most civilian jobs. Air-force - Great intel and aviation. Like evolusean said "don't expect to be flying" Coast guard and the other tiny branches in my view do not have enough room for advancement good training though. Also, before signing on, make sure you have an idea of what you want to gain from the military before going. Do good on your ASFAQ and you'll have some voice in your choice. Choose your MOS wisely and ask your recruiter what missions or work you will be expected to perform with your choice of MOS. Good Luck and SEMPER FIDELUS
  • do some reasearch on all branches, such as jobs, benifits, etc, then go see the recruiter of your favorite choice, then make your final decision, if you get to the recruiter and you end up not liking that bracnch, repeat the process.
  • They are all good.
  • try to see which uniform best suits your complexion
  • "Gone to Florida to fight the Indians. Will be back when the war is over." - note left on Marine Commandant Col Archibald Henderson's door. That should tell you everything you need to know.

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