Very good question. Although I have no answer I would like to see a legitemate one. I heard burying people is good for the trees and the grass as well.
yes because I'd freak if I find buried rotting corpses in my backyard. I'd shriek, call 911, threaten to sue the city, tell everybody on AB.
It varies from state to state. You do have to aquire a permit from the state to bury family members on your own property, but it has become difficult to do so because houses change hands so often. How would you feel if you bought a house and then discoved 10 graves in your back yard while mowing the grass for the first time? That's why most people do it in cemetaries. It's public and only used for that purpose. Still other factors play a part in the decision: a: Size of property b: Zoning laws c: drain field/power lines location and soooo many more. Your local mortuary or the town commissioner's office would have more info, but be prepared for a lot of strange looks!
I don't know about where you are but here in New Zealand if you own your own land you actually only own about the top 2-3 feet of soil. As you need to dig a bit deeper than that to bury a person that's when all the laws come into play :)
Linda Joy
There is no national law in the US dictating how deep a body must be buried. And many are only buried about 2-3 feet anyway. And here you own all the land including mineral rights. -
Army Veteran
The 2- to 3-foot dept rule is to prevent animals from digging up the body. There is no maximum depth you can go. I watched a video recently that said that the deepest a "large animal" - (I don't remember which one was mentioned) could dig was around 2 feet. Also, you might want to check on your mineral rights theory. When a property is sold, the mineral rights usually aren't included. -
Property rights in the US are often referred to as a "bundle" of rights for you and others. While you might ordinarily have subsurface (mineral) rights, those rights might have been sold by a prior owner even if those rights have yet to be exercised. Air and development rights might also have been sold previously to adjacent owners. Buried and overhead utilities likely have easement rights for access. Right-of-ways for roads often extend within your property line. Further restrictions include zoning and building codes. Always make sure to get a thorough title search, not just a copy of the prior title which might be incomplete, lest you find a Native nation claiming their right to build a casino in your living room.
You have to check your local laws. In most places it is allowed. For most PEOPLE it is not. That's because most people live in urban areas (cities) yo...
I would think that, at a minimum, you need to contact your cable, electric, and gas companies to make sure you don't dig into an underground cable, electric, or gas line; in addition, I know my county requires a permit for digging and any outdoor home improvement projects. Like some others have mentioned, the rules/regulations vary.
You'd have to check local laws and zoning ordinances.
- Home burial varies state by state and requires special licensing. The top two things that come to mind are: selling the home and telling the buyer there's a human buried there and a dead body rotting and leaching into the soil and any potential water sources.
Good luck ever selling that house because by law you have to tell the buyer.
Linda Joy
Only for a certain number of years.
You have to have a permit. You're not allowed to do anything anymore without a permit. That way your local government can nickel-dime you to death. Then they'll bury you in a government cemetery and charge the fees to your estate.
Most towns do not permit it.
Here is a link that answers that question for each state in the US. Other countries need to check their local laws.
It's legal in the UK, but you must get permission from the freeholder, inform the council, and keep a burial register. Also, be 30m from any spring or any running or standing water. - be more than 10m from any ‘dry’ ditch or field drain - be at least 50m away from any well, borehole or spring that supplies water for any use. - when preparing a grave, make sure there is no standing water when it is first dug and that it's not dug in very sandy soil. - there should also be at least 1m of soil above and below the body after burial. May bear in mind that it could affect the value of the property.
Not if your neighbors find out. 😆
It is prohibited in many cities.
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