I would pick fork, but thats a tough question.
Fork. I hardly ever use a spoon.
fork. i eat everything with it anyway and yes, even soup.
a fork. I already drink the milk out of the cereal bowl
chopsticks..the ultimate utensil!!!
I have this spoon that I'm really attached. So, it would be a spoon.
I don't see any loophole in your question that would allow me to pick a foroon so I'm going to go with spoon. ;) I can eat a salad with a spoon but I can't eat soup with a fork. On the rare occasion that I eat something that requires cutting can I have Vicky cut it for me? :p
A spoon. I eat a lot of soup,so a fork wouldn't work well.
A forking good fork. I can always drink soup, if necessary, from the rim of the bowl or cup. But a fork can poke, it can slice, it can scoop, and it can handle spaghetti. I like spaghetti.
for me it would have to be a spoon
Oh, of course a spoon. I'd hate to let any calories slip through the tines in a fork!!!!
Chopsticks. :( Where are my chopsticks? But I would choose a spoon because... You can still cut things, sort of. with a spoon.
Soup spoon..I love soup and since eating soup with a fork is nigh on impossible, I'll go with soup spoon! :)
I would pick a spoon. I think there are more things that can be eaten with it. Also many of the things commonly eaten with a fork can be prepared or altered so they fit in a spoon. Not so with a fork.
A spoon
A spoon. I can scoop up anything, cut with the side, eat small things that evade a fork and fit just anything there. A spoon and some chopsticks and I don't really need anything else other than a napkin:-)
Fork!!!! Have you ever tried to eat spaghetti with a spoon? I couldn't live without spaghetti :)
a spoon..I hope I get to have a knife, though for the spaghetti!!!
spoon as it holds things better instead of letting it slip through the tines.
I would pick a spoon. Everything that I can think of that you can eat with a fork, you can eat with your hands. It's harder to eat certain things that require a spoon with your hands.
spoon, it can do more than a fork
Fork. Because if you wrap the fork with a nylon bag it becomes a spoon
Lol, I have wrapped aluminum foil around the Tines of a fork and used it as a spoon to eat pudding when I realized there were no spoons available! Improvising is always good!
I'll say a fork, because if push came to shove, even as uncivilized as it may seem, I can always pick a bowl up and drink liquid from it . Try doing that with spaghetti ;-)
a fork; for many reasons already listed!
a "foon" u said no "spork" right?
a spoon! With only a fork, there are a lot of things that you can't eat! You can eat almost anything with a spoon, or use the old hands!!!
A fork! Between your hands and a fork, (and your mouth for slurping from the dish) you could down pretty much anything I think!
Fork (if I can't have a knife) because most things that I like to eat need to be stabbed. Most anything that needs a spoon I could pick up the bowl or if no bowl scoop with my hand(s).
Well if I can't have a spork then I will go with chop sticks.
a fork, you can usually cut some things with the side of it anyway
A fork....If I'm eating soup I can just drink it from the bowl.
spoons because I love soup!!
I'm gradually losing all my teeth so i'll be eating a lot more soup. I pick spoon.
Spoon. I use a spoon to eat almost all types of food
Definitely a spoon. There are too many good things that REQUIRE a spoon to eat (e.g. soup). You can make do without a fork, usually, somehow but without a spoon you'd be giving up any liquid-in-a-bowl foods. . . . . Interestingly: forks are a relatively late table utensil. In the Middle Ages (or was it the Renaissance? I can't remember for sure...) when it began to be faddish, Roman Catholic officials roundly criticized the use, with the reasoning that people should eat the food that God gave them with the hands that God gave them to eat with (not only to eat, of course). As a result, it was centuries before fork use became "universal" throughout Western Europe.
I'm going to go with spork, because I actually own a metal spork at home and I hate arbitrary rules.
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