Hot pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top, with cool almond milk to wash it down.
Tube steak & white gravy. I can't think of anything else I would want to eat every day for the rest of my life! My second choice would be potatoes. At least you can change the way it tastes depending on how you make them. I usually drink water.
Cry me a River
You mean cube steak? -
Linda Joy
No. And I don't mean a hot dog either! -
Wow, you do a really good impression of me. xD -
Archie Bunker
Does the size of the tube steak matter?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. With coffee.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Excellent choice!
potato salad
Archie Bunker
Ewww -
meh, it makes a turd. :P
Pizza. It was found on surveys that one out of eight participants ate pizza on any given day. To wash it down, any fine wine will do.
I have not changed my mind since the last time I answered this question.
Wow, let me think... It would have to be a balanced meal in and of itself, AND tasty. There aren't too many foods that fit that bill. Since we can have a beverage as well, that helps a lot in the balanced meal department. *** I choose: home-made chicken pot pie with 100% whole wheat crust (I make it myself, and I am amazed at how good it turns out) and V-8 to drink.
Tacos for me. I could eat tacos for breakfast lunch and dinner and never get tired of them.
Mexican from the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Just not as good even 100 miles north.
Thai food.
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