nope...I like to ta;lk to people when it's convient to do so....
yes of coarse my favorite is msn because it has the most effects.
Yep! I'm addicted. I may just like it better then ABing right now.
I Love IMing when I cant meet woth someone in person. And I just like to talk to people. [email protected] Anyone feel free to add me. Im a people person.:)
Definitely. I've always been pretty good with words, and am a fairly decent typist, so ... ! : ))
yeah it saves me alot of money on long distance cause i can just instant message and picture share, I LOVE IT!
I do like to use it sometimes...I have a few friends I usually talk to in IMs. Unfortunately, I have to stay invisible because me "stealth" mode doesn't work...and my ex can see me. So, my friends I usually IM always send me an "are you there?" message.
not particularly. I dont use it often...
Yes, especially for quick conversations while I'm already at the computer.
Not even a little bit. I want to talk to people properly. Ack. I sound weird in msn. I sound weird everywhere, but that's not the point. I like voices. I want to actually hear them.
NO! I prefer to use emails. Emails give us time to think about stuff. I feel that IM forces us to reply quickly, something that I'm not always fond of doing.
No. Maye I'm too old or something, but I like being able to think and form my whole sentences, not feel pressured to be quick and abbreviated and always have that snappy line ready. I like to have my thoughts formed into a complete idea before I spout off lol!
Yes i do, thats why i use it so often.
I don't know..I've never done it..Why would I want to? I already have email..the reason I like email is that you never interrupt people..they read them at their convenience as do I..I can send them at my convenience, they can read them at their convenience, so neither of us is inconvenienced. Instant messaging, on the other hand, would seem to be quite intrusive, much like a phone call! :)
Install this program and you can use any IM that you need to. Very easy to use..Good Luck→
I do all the time.
No. It forces me to come up with something to say in a very short period of time, and God knows what I could say in such a short period of time ;)
I use it out of convience and because so many people I know do. I would much rather just talk on the phone however.
I actually prefer to use the phone, but IM is much easier when I'm at the computer, working.
I do--it's an easy way to keep in touch with people. Quite a few of my friends use IM, so I do too.
Not really. You have to be online at the same time as that person. Plus, I'd rather call or email. IM is for small talk, and I don't like small talk.
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