It’s nice you have such feelings for the girl you are currently dating but one piece of advice to not convert into this religion or any religion because of someone else. Only convert because you share the same beliefs; don’t do it because it’s what someone you are in love beliefs. Talking from past experience, when I got baptised it took me a long time to work out who and why I did it. Now I’ve found myself. Please DO not do it because of this girl you are dating. Just in case things do not work out take time there is plenty of time to join the church and to get married remember she's only 16 and that’s a big step to take considering she may of not dated anyone before you.
16 is really too young to be seriously considering marriage. She has a lot of growing up to do yet. This is the time when people are still trying to figure out just what they want out of life and what they want to do with their lives. She apparently has the wisdom to realize this. Give it time. It may be that when she is ready for marriage that she will choose you. However, it is also possible that as she matures that you will both find that you are not compatible. It is better to give her and yourself the time to fully mature before you start talking marriage than it is to rush into one and find out later that you made a mistake.
It's hard to see this at your age, but consider it a blessing that she won't consider marriage. I'm 24 and let me tell you, you will go through huge, enourmous changes in the few short years to come. Your perspective on life, religion, marriage and yourself is sure to change and grow in the next few years, if you're anything like me. So while this may be a great time to join a church if you are looking for a spiritual community, it is a really bad time to do it for someone else. Your interest in this girl will not be enough to sustain the huge committment you would need to make to the church (well, to God, via the church) for the next few years let alone eternity--perhaps you are familiar with the concept that LDS ordinances (including temple marriage) are not just for this lifetime but for eternity as well. Best bet? Ask lots of questions about the church, see if you can find truth in it for yourself. Don't let the focus of this investigation be the girl. But who knows...if you're still around, you may reconnect with this girl later on if it's meant to be.
Just some words of advise. Sixteen year old girls are WAY too young to even discuss or think about marriage. She is basically a young teenager. I am afraid if you continue to speak of it, you might just scare her away. Converting is something to consider WHEN the time comes, not now. Why not just date her and enjoy? Are you 16 too? EDIT: Just realized this question is VERY old
I won't question the strength of your feelings at your age, so I'll address the question: Should I convert...? My LDS wife married me even after I told her there was a 99.9% chance I'd never change my Baptist ways... I never planned on joining the church. EVER! But one day, I really felt a pulling inside me to actually investigate the church myself. It had nothing to do with her. She was shocked. It was then, and only then--when I wanted to know the truth for myself--that I could truly convert. If I had converted FOR her, my conversion and testimony may not be as strong--or even valid at all. Figure things out because YOU want to figure them out.
Well, she is only 16, she is still growing up and has alot of soul searching to do, she probably doesnt even know what she wants or who she is, she is tryig to find her identity, and if you try imputig anything in this your just looking to get hurt. Be patient and if everything works out you might end up llucky. Just dont rush things, you'd be looking for trouble. You should be happy she doesn't want that yet, she has a lot of growing up to do.
Well, you'd have a precedent: Joseph Smith married Fanny Alger and Flora Ann Woodworth when they were 16. Brigham Young married Clarissa Decker when she was 15, then Elizabeth Fairchild and Ellen Rockwood when they were 16. However, I would strongly discourage converting to a religion soley for the purpose of marriage. Actually, I would strongly discourage converting to Mormonism for any reason whatsoever (no disrespect intended).
Well, not bad, but probably futile since she's told you she isn't as serious about it as you are right now. Patience--if you really love each other it will stand the test of time. Converting to or joining a religion is a big step. There will be time for that later. Good luck to you both.
I'd say it's a good idea not to contemplate marriage at 16. How old are you?
Thank you! You have given the world a gift with this question! Your question poignantly demonstrates how many LdS youths practice "Missionary Dating". As former Mormon (and the son of the LdS Leader who administrated the LdS Temple System in the 1960's) noted: "Early Mormon leaders were also quick to see the power of family ties. They did everything they could to strengthen Mormon families including inventing the non-Christian doctrine of eternal marriage and eternal families. Jesus did not teach eternal marriage and families nor did any of the Biblical prophets. (see Matt. 22:23-30 and Luke 20:27-35) Strangely, this doctrine is not found in The Book of Mormon either! However, LDS Church services often include sermons, songs, poetry, and dramas depicting the doctrine that “families can be together forever.” At first, the concept and slogan “families can be together forever” may sound like a harmless, romantic notion; but in reality it is perhaps the most controlling and stifling doctrine taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It effectively creates fear of ostracism, closes minds, and regulates personal behavior." He goes on in the paper to discuss how the LdS Temple system is used as means of (his words) "holding families hostage". Let's be clear here: Mormons are wonderful, genuine, and sincere people. And Mormon young people tend to be attractive, charming, engaging, and great friends. However, the LdS Church has been identified as a Mind Control Cult by both secular and religious Cult experts and this girl (while, I'm sure, completely innocent of any malicious intent) is using one of the most common techniques for drawing new members in: Missionary Dating. I would encourage you (and the readers) to consider the following articles before getting romantically involved with a Mormon (whether they are active or not I might add): RESOURCES ON DATING MORMONS: RESOURCES ON MORMONISM'S MIND CONTROL CULT PRACTICES:
Glenn Blaylock
I would just point out that the posts by the actual Latter-day Saints on this question put the lie to this answer. Note, that the dominant theme on the question of converting is to NOT do it for the girl, but only because he actually believes what the Church teaches.
Now she will be 21, consider marrying.....:)
It's not bad, but it's not smart. She's told you what you don't seem to want to hear. Wise up.
She is trying to convert you to LDS. Dont fall for it man get out while you can or you will end up being one of "them". I know it does not sound bad now,.... but just wait.
Glenn Blaylock
I would just point out that the posts by the actual Latter-day Saints on this question put the lie to this answer. Note, that the dominant theme on the question of converting is to NOT do it for the girl, but only because he actually believes what the Church teaches.
16 is a bit young for anyobody to be thinking about marriage...wait until you at least finish college...
Dont wed in the Temple...I know the manager and he will rip the arse out of your wallet. If you really love this LSD girl...(isnt that a type of car diff..? ) Marry her in the ' Black Monkey Groghouse ' I am the owner and I will gaurantee you free entree's and at half the cost that the 'Temple ' charges. That guy is also wanted by the police for associating with the ' Gnome Gimps ' bikers club. Im sure thats a car differential...?..lrf.
Do not convert for her. Convert, if you do, for yourself. Marriage in Mormonism is supposed to be for forever. If you two are going to be together forever, then you can easily wait a few additional years. This is one reason why long courtships were encouraged in previous centuries. Give both yourselves time to overcome the initial glow.
First take a good look at the Church. Ask the missionaries to visit and teach you. Don't convert unless you decide to convert unless you decide it is the truth. Then if you do join, that will be soon enough to think about more. It will also give her time to mature and become ready to consider it. .
shes too young, wait till shes 18 to consider marriage
It not bad but it is foolish and immature. It's fine to have relationships with girls but you need to go to college and you might want to see a little of the world before you settle into a marriage. Thats the way a mature, intelligent, adult considers his life at your age and it's time to start thinking like a capable adult rather than a child.
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