I just like getting new things.
I feel so sexy :P
Make s me feel rejuvinated!
definetly :) .. especially new stilettos .. definetly make me feel sexier right away
absolutely!! too!!
Not really... But I usually feel good when I WEAR new clothes! ;-)
I feel good when i buy them, but when i see my credit card bill at the end of the month i don't feel that good.
Only if I know those new clothes look good on me....But to feel good, I don't go out to buy clothes.
Yes, because I don't buy new clothes until I'm at the point where I've worn all of what I have to bare threads and need a whole new wardrobe!
I feel bad looking at the receipt.
I feel good when I look good... even in old clothes.
Oh yeah. It gives me a sort of rush. A shopping rush ;)
Oh yes ....very much ...Shopping's one of my main hobbies :-)
Yes, very much.New clothes gives you a bit of attraction too:)
yeah sometimes i do i guess it depends on my mood.
Yes, I love buying new clothes. It makes me feel good when others comment on my new clothes.
I only think about the money I no longer have.
���� Yes I do feel good
Yep, buying new clothes makes me feel significantly confident and powerful. 😁
No...but - then - I'm a guy.
I feel good buying new clothes, I like the way I feel&look.
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