If you get an e-mail notification that you have a new message or new friend request on MySpace, click the link in the e-mail instead of going to the main MySpace page. This works for me to get around the filter but I don't know if it will work everywhere.
go to and type in the addess there. u can access any website from that page.
Use a proxy in internet explorer, go to tools, internet options, connections and add a proxy site from any googled. Just google "external proxy servers"
Try .
use a proxy:
um yeah, but my school has an automatic proxy detection that detects when your browser is using a proxy. i have created numerous websites with proxies on them that work and within minutes my site gets blocked!
Use a proxy - search this site for some good ones.
my school has one called a cipa filter and it blocks proxies as well, I have tried overloading it with web pages but all that did was slow the network, does anyone know an easy guide to set up an apache server and then maybe a guide to connect to that server from school(a portal but not a proxie I'm thinking it might work)
Currently i use also try from proxies.They have both CGI and PHP proxies in them. Very Reputable,SSL enabled, does provide new domains by just sending a mail to [email protected] I have used many proxy sites over the years be it PHP CGI glype watever, Nowadays none seem to bypass the ever strong filters{ websense, K9 , bess}, some things one should observe when looking for a proxy site: -Shouldn't be a .info { filters by default block them coz most are proxy sites} -Shouldnt contain the words proxy or others like myspace,orkut,bebo in it. { they keyword filter those} -On the safe side should be a SSL encrypted ones {https sites filter find them difficult to scan} -Should be a reputable provider and provide fresh domains update {So that proxy owners dont steal our information, face the fact domains will get blocked eventually, so its necessary to provide new ones.} -I would recommend CGI proxy , even if they are time consuming they give the desired results. Happy Browsing , Hope I was of some help
Currently i use also try from proxies.They have both CGI and PHP proxies in them. Very Reputable,SSL enabled, does provide new domains by just sending a mail to [email protected] I have used many proxy sites over the years be it PHP CGI glype watever, Nowadays none seem to bypass the ever strong filters{ websense, K9 , bess}, some things one should observe when looking for a proxy site: -Shouldn't be a .info { filters by default block them coz most are proxy sites} -Shouldnt contain the words proxy or others like myspace,orkut,bebo in it. { they keyword filter those} -On the safe side should be a SSL encrypted ones {https sites filter find them difficult to scan} -Should be a reputable provider and provide fresh domains update {So that proxy owners dont steal our information, face the fact domains will get blocked eventually, so its necessary to provide new ones.} -I would recommend CGI proxy , even if they are time consuming they give the desired results. Happy Browsing , Hope I was of some help
i wouldnt get on it at work, your boss might not like it
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